
The last (known) maker of VCRs—that’s videocassette recorders, for the children out there—is throwing in the towel.

:(((((( I know right? Millihelen totally filled a void for me to talk with people about makeup in a non-judgmental way, free of drama (unless we were specifically inviting drama, like in this exact example).

Man I miss Millihelen. It was such a lovely place (and, selfish concern, the only place I wasn’t grey).

I MISS MILLIHELEN it was one of the nicest and most supportive places on kinja tbh

RIP Millihelen.

Excellent point

sounds like less blood than the ensuing aftermath of grabbing the wrong towel, though

The Kochs probably buy crates full of them. Gov. Pence is one of theirs.

I really hope no one actually does. We’ll find out eventually though right? Wouldn’t any earnings (or lack of) of hers show up when they release tax doc’s? Though actually, Trump still hasn’t so maybe they won’t either. I’m still going to go with “no, no one is buying those.”

I refuse to believe that anyone actually buys this shit. I can’t accept a reality in which people affix pewter charms to their towels.

Dry yourself off, draw blood.

It’s like Rainn on his wedding day...

He was married to Scarlett Johansson, and no one has ever seen their wedding photos. He hooked up with Blake Lively and was immediately doing staged photo shoots for “paparazzi” in the middle of nowhere. Like, weird coincidence that a paparazzo stumbled up on you two making out in Midway, UT.

Good take. I still can't believe he did the husband/parent thing with Blake. Given his hook-up history, I can easily imagine him boning (gasp), wait for it.....TAYLOR SWIFT.