
this story is not a surprise at all.

The sad part is a lot of my fellow Millenials will not get this reference.  

Three eggs is too many, one is not enough; two eggs is the perfect amount.

“I think people like Edward Snowden, Chelsea Manning are heroes,” she said. What a breath of fresh air!!

.... Wow. Just...

It’s got a Ralph Lauren signet on the breast, Dudebra. It’s immediately classy, despite being a t-shirt.

I don’t know. The Obama daughters wore J.Crew once and the Fox News’s went on rants about elitism like they were wearing $40,000 Haute Couture pieces.

Personally I just like to suck it out. Not really worth the trade off!

Don’t tell people how easy it is to cook bone marrow. The hipsters already figured it out.

And then it’s compounded by the sound of children playing, and their joy mocks her.

If you could sue people for smells, public transportation would cease to exist

She probably mad because it smells good and she hangry.

Bill Belichick will sign him next week and he'll be a three-time All-Pro for New England

Sauvage is the logical follow-up line to Jacobim Mugatu’s groundbreaking 2001 Derelicte.

Why are you not mentioning the fact that the primary reason for this is because the system Iowa has set up is vulnerable to hacking? From the Register article you linked:

For the love of God, don’t let Karen make it.

He could’ve gotten gotten his “Racial Justice Workshop” in fucking JAIL. Believe me.

Fish for your card? You should be able to just slap your wallet on the sensor, as I do on the DC Metro system.