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I agree, but I have to admit - I love the live-action Cinderella. I think that has more to do with Kenneth Branagh’s direction than anything else. He always seems to see things in a Shakespearean way, and in this movie, it’s clearly more about using tremendous visuals to heighten the fairy-tale aspects of the story.

Apparently Kurt Cobain thought the same thing.

Ah, I’m sure this has nothing to do with it either:

Two years ago, I was behind an SUV that hadn’t properly secured their kayak. (This was the Twin Cities, it was a summer Friday, someone was probably going up north.)

Please feel free to send along that gift certificate, but with the overflowing cabinet I have of Penzeys spices, it will probably get unused. Quite thoughtful of you, though.

I almost never eat breakfast, either - my mother struggled to make me eat breakast before school for my entire K-12 career. I mean, I like breakfast food, but eating first thing in the morning is hard for me.

Hmm, that’s something no one ever posited to me. Interesting thought. (Usually they tell me “just have oatmeal for breakfast.” I have a hard enough time eating breakfast as it is without someone suggesting I eat something I don’t like that much.)

I say as someone who fully agrees some healthy foods are boring AF and there is nothing better than a tremendous smash burger and fries that you’re not really wrong. But, I also think this is kinda bleak - you CAN teach people how to make better choices, and that not all healthy stuff tastes like cardboard. You just

I had two couples over for Easter about a decade ago, and the wife of one of them absolutely insisted on bringing a lamb cake. She said it was her specialty, and everyone loved them. So, I skipped the cassata trifle I usually make for Easter - not as festive, perhaps, but it’s a nod to my Sicilian family and the mix

Every time I see Kate McKinnon and Aidy Bryant come out and just start laughing at whatever they’re saying almost from the get go, I compare that to Mikey Day and Alex Moffat nailing every Trump Brothers sketch I can remember. Day is an excellent straight man that serves whatever skit he’s in really well. (The Eddie

And that was why we only did the eggs on our own once.  It was cute, but the smell was horrendous, and while my husband loves a good runny egg, he doesn’t like them hard-boiled.  Waste of good eggs.

Mental image, secured.

It’s a soft-boiled egg served in an egg cup. Then you lop off the top part, and dip toast fingers into the yolk. (So the toast are “soldiers.”)

We eat a lot of them, too! Usually poached, scrambled, or some version of fried (over-easy, sunnyside up). I think we had chilaquiles at least twice a month during the pandemic. Just hadn’t boiled an egg in so damn long.

I mean, I recently googled soft-boiled eggs, because I hadn’t done them in a million years and I couldn’t remember the timing.  Nothing to do with easter - we were just bored with our usual pandemic cooking and wanted to do eggs and soldiers.

Sooo...sprinkle some in there or on top! This is just my family’s recipe and we have a few members with nut allergies. I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s supposed to have them.

The Hell’s Kitchen Peanut Butter recipe is floating around out there. The trick is getting the roast perfect.

Oh, we adapted the NYT recipe for grilled cheese with apples. Their recipe calls only for apple butter, but we use both apple and peanut butters.

You’re right! That is good - Cheerwine should be enjoyed by everyone. :D

Diet Cheerwine is one of my favorites (this is apparently just a rebranding).  Sometimes, I just need a weirdly red soda that is sorta like Dr. Pepper, but better, and it fits the bill.