
My chicken soup recipe - which was actually my little old Italian great-grandmother’s recipe - is built around the concept that you will put a glug of ketchup into the bowl. She loved my late grandfather, she recognized my grandmother made his life way too difficult, and since she lived with them, she regularly cooked

I’ll stipulate: they taste amazing for Cheerios. 🤣  (And yeah, I bought mine on sale.)

I am sure you put a lot of hard work into writing this article, but I am so angry that a member of the medical profession actually believes this shit that I can’t bring myself to read it.  How has his license not been revoked?

As I spent a year working at an ER, that is a hard-pass for me. You just never know what communicable diseases someone has.

Oh, please tell me you’re going to cover Hofmann’s Snappys.  We miss those so much...

I don’t know by what sorcery they make this work, but it works.  They have a lovely crisp crust, the curds are sturdy, and they aren’t soggy.  

My late grandmother - a woman so shallow a teaspoon would be deeper than her emotional development - smoked like a chimney for over 50 years before a mild case of COPD forced her to stop. (Other than the occasional nebulizer treatment, she was fine.) She was a maintenance alcoholic until the day she died. Exercise for

Sadly, the best fried cheese curds - which is really what they mean when they say cheese curds in Wisconsin (it’s like eating them un-fried isn’t a possibility) - aren’t IN Wisconsin. They are in the Twin Cities.

I want you to know I bought a box of the Maple on the strength of your recommendation...and you were not wrong.  They are really good!

I also disagree with the review’s take on Kamala Harris. I mean, let’s face it - most politicians running for POTUS are all about developing a TV-ready catch-phrase and/or persona. (I mean, look what’s sitting in 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue right now - a man who is all catch-phrase and persona.)

I’m waiting for Mueller to completely unwind from the investigation and do exactly that, quite honestly.  Just for the fun of it.

I also switched to Crisco Blends - it’s a mix of canola, sunflower, and soybean oils - for pan-searing after Cook’s Illustrated recommended it. It’s got a nice, high smoke-point, and it cut smoking on pan-searing meats dramatically. It’s nicely neutral, too, so there’s no overwhelming taste.

In 2016, Iowa - whose residents LOVE to tell you at length at HOW politically savvy and informed they are, which is why they NEED to have the first caucus/primary - had a survey of the early run GOP candidates, and who was most recognizable.

You’re braver than most, though. Even I wouldn’t go to the south west of England by public transport. So often you see fresh-faced Americans looking at a route that would take them an afternoon to drive back in the States, only to arrive near-death in Penzance 9 hours later...

I’m trying to figure out where Hermit European is eating, quite honestly. I can’t remember being hovered over like this in recent memory.  Or maybe I just don’t notice?  I know I don’t think the service I’ve had outside of the country has been radically different.  I had to get used to the thing in the UK where you

Oh, we also used TFL to get around London - and Lothian buses in Edinburgh - not the touring double-decker buses. I actually came to regret that a bit in London (though Lothian was just fine). We stayed near Kensington, and there were two mini rail-strikes while we were there which slowed things down a lot.

Nope, not at all!

I can see that.  There were some areas where there was something we would have liked to see, but it would have meant driving or taking a really long bus ride.  That is a bummer.

We went to the UK last year on a 6-city, 4-week trip. At our first stop, we had a tour and a tea at a historic building, and ended up sitting next to a couple where the man frequently traveled to - and around - the US for business.

See, I’d never even seen an Italian Beef before I moved to the Midwest. They’re fine, but I honestly prefer a standard French Dip - I’d rather focus on a great jus over the giardiniera.