
“...Now let’s go scream homophobic and racist epithets while pretending to spray each other’s brains on walls and simulate forced fellatio over the dead bodies!”

mostly they just want to make money, though. This is a yearly commercial product, not some art project.

There needs to be at least 600% more Mt. Dew in that note.

Looks like a CGI nightmare. I’d rather they just skip the pretense of live action and make it fully animated. Instead it just looks like a non-ironic take on Roger Rabbit.

How realistic are they going for? I don’t want my video game characters telling me to get off my lazy ass and mow the lawn.

We haven’t seen any pictures of the work space setup. That was my favorite part of these articles

There’s more real love in this game than your entire hokey religion, you wizened, evil, old witch doctor.

Call of Duty : Modern Candy Warfare

Well, a high-priced acquisition of a one-note developer... no way this could blow up in their faces!

There are so many breweries in Colorado, that I think the majority of the trip could just be spent there

Note: Redstone in Colorado is a meadery and not a traditional brewery. Don’t know if that matters to anyone, but I thought I would put it out there. If you are looking for a replacement in that same area, try J. Wells, Fate, Wild Woods, Upslope or Bru.

What it’s like working at Kotaku? An endless parade of cocaine and strippers.

EXACTLY right! I’ve been riding my Zero SR electric motorcycle since January 2014, and you totally hit the nail on the head. The first ride or two, there is a lot of anxiety, followed by feeling like a bit of a fool for having been so anxious. You can manage “commute = 50 miles, range = 70 miles” very easily. Even

The future of cars is electric. It’s most likely also autopilot, and after that, autonomous.

Just bought a Nissan Leaf. 87 miles per charge. 1st day commute of 25 miles each way, with a side trip. The first time you see 20 miles left to drive you get range anxiety. Then you realize your only 2 miles from the house, and that trip cost you almost nothing.