
Yes, this game is still good enough to be the top played game at my annual LAN Party every summer. The characters are good, the maps are good, and even people who aren't very good at FPS's can contribute (medic, engineer, etc). I was able to get both the Vs Saxton Hale and PropHunt mods going this year, and PropHunt

Damn, over 1700 buds worth? You totally deserve this one Bob...

Yeah, the Sneaky Zebra guys still set the bar for awesome cosplay videos. :)


Knowing this makes that particular cosplay even more epic...

Now playing

Valid last time this got posted, valid this time... :)

We handle them this way, different color basic depending on the load, and we've got it down to 4 baskets:

I prefer Newegg in general, but for in-person shopping I'll definitely agree on Fry's. I wish there was a closer one (I'm about 800 miles from the nearest location in Tempe), but the last time I was in SoCal, I wandered into one to pick up some parts and thought, "my people..." :)

Definitely came here for Newegg. Good shipping and return policies overall, very good filtering and sorting when I'm looking to compare specific components, and generally good reviews on parts. I would also add that they are great about keeping a long purchase history, so that when one of my old hard drives dies or

Agreed, About a scout was good, but Tidehunter's Tactics captured both the comedy and tragedy of Dota 2 so perfectly...

Agreed, I would tell my younger self to really think hard about all those one-off toys and gadgets I thought would be cool at the time, but I only used a few times and now just sit in my garage waiting for donation to charity or recycling.

No idea... ;)

Still more accurate than Stormtroopers...

XKCD has your answer for everything, and no, I had no idea...

Dang, I felt bad for buying a couple of taunts. I'll always treasure my Genuine Lo-Fi though...