
Don't get made at me, I only spent money in the marketplace for announcer packs. ;) Axe is pretty damn funny, and I'm waiting for the next paycheck to get The Stanley Parable announcer. DIGITAL SPORTS!


I wouldn't bother with the low sodium salt, but I would definitely recommend exploring spice rubs for many different types of meat and even Tofu. There are thousands of possibilities online, and many still taste great even if you cut the salt content in half. Smoked Paprika FTW!

Indeed, count Denver on the extreme side of that spectrum, as noted here we're usually between 22% to 82% humidity, and most of that variation is between May and July (…)...

The interesting thing was I heard it from two different flooring specialists here in Colorado, that it was the lack of humidity that caused problems for bamboo floors. I don't know anyone who has installed it, so wasn't sure if there was a commenter from Nevada, Arizona, New Mexico or one of the other areas with a

I'm still curious about Bamboo flooring, but I've heard that here in the dry mountain states it's prone to warping since we have so little moisture. Has anyone else run into that?

Yeah, the opening credits were good, but I felt disappointed by the bulk of that game. The story and concepts were pretty good, and some of the environments were decent, but oh god that voice acting and how artificially restricted the maps felt just did me in...

I might have hurt myself, I smiled so much during this game...

Damn, fenrir has a lot of games....

That's perfectly valid, and I'll often share a story of my own to put the candidate at ease. Mine was when I had just transitioned from Intern to System Admin a few companies back, and I took a week's vacation in between the transition. I had forgotten to confirm that the tape backups were running on the mail

As an IT guy, my former boss had a favorite that I like to use now if I get involved in hiring a new co-worker: What was the biggest screwup/outage you ever caused? We're all capable of messing up on the job, and if you've worked in IT long enough, you've got a good story of something major going down, and hopefully

Now playing

There's only been a handful of music moments in computer games that give me chills like Baba Yetu. The other one that comes to mind was the Turret Opera from Portal 2...

Nevermind the haters, I loved both videos, particularly the first one.

Agreed, and it seemed like Vici's weakness was in only really knowing how to do the tanky deathball with either death prophet or razor at the core and shadow shaman supporting. If you took away those heroes, they didn't even seem to know how to draft at that point...

Count me in the "pay off the house early" camp. First is that it's currently my largest monthly obligation by far, and the change in cash flow from not having to pay that is great for both peace of mind and saving for retirement. Second is a personal anecdote, as my grandfather on my Mom's side died a few years ago

BTW, KeyArena looks awesome for the event, go D I G I T A L S P O R T S !

I seriously doubt it, as even the latest version of the corporate AV (Symantec Endpoint Protection) is still horrible at catching viruses according to our company's SEP admin (two cuber down from me). The network driver also tends to cause a lot of problems on our servers and some of the wifi cards in Dell Laptops.

Just for the record, your username is epic... :)

Now playing

10000 times better if you use this one... :)