Lt. Broccoli

And then he shot himself in the face and still didn't manage to kill himself. Then his jaw fell off when he was getting guillotined! Robespierre was a dick but that still sucks.

MacArthur Parker the agent? MacArthur Parker MY agent?

He ran afoul of an Irishman.

The best part of this exchange is "Give me back those blintzes!" How did he even expect that to happen?

Shine yer shoes, guvnor?

In French, CBG says "Zig et Puce", which is a lamer version of Tintin.

Well if that is what you think, I've got something to tell you. Something that may shock and discredit you. And that thing is as follows. I'm not wearing a tie at all!

My son is *also* named Simpso.

And it's okay if they get killed because they weren't drafted.

The AV Club
That was based on a true story

Or The Last Post, if you're from the Commonwealth. It's slightly different!

You did spell that right!

This is a terrible place to stop them, since the next four episodes are four of the best.

Dolly Parton! I met her! Well I saw her in a restaurant once.

Baby Iron Chef

Gary Bettman is having an orgasm at this very moment at the idea of a New York-LA final.

Despite my Toronto-ness I can't help rooting for the Canadiens at this point.

A show about the 1460s would be awesome! Well, as long as it wasn't produced by CNN.

Don S. Davis from Stargate (and Twin Peaks) died, so they had his character General Hammond die the same way (heart attack), then named a starship after him.

I thought it meant she was just demented, like she's got Alzheimer's or something.