Lt. Broccoli

He writes novels about real estate, obviously.

You know Paul McCartney wrote that? He wrote a lot of Peter and Gordon songs, because Peter is Jane Asher's brother. Basically all Peter and Gordon songs are songs that are not good enough to be recorded by the Beatles (just like all of Badfinger's output).

Dare You To Move by Switchfoot.

I had a rough night, and I hate the fucking Beatles, man.


That was Magda Goebbels!

There was a contest on the radio here a few days ago, you had to identify the song and the band. They played "Lips of an Angel", and I totally knew it - I was driving so I couldn't call in, but I should have pulled over, because no one else knew it. I could have won a shitty prize for knowing that shitty song.

I don't like playing in front of people. The only time I've ever played for an audience was when I lived in the dorms and my neighbour also played guitar, so we played at our building's Christmas party.

Too bad the first season is so terrible…

Yeah…the other 4 seasons are on Netflix. I'm looking at them AT THIS VERY MOMENT!!!!1

I saw 2001 before it was spoiled for me by cultural osmosis. Actually it feels like I've spent much of my life thinking about what the hell is going on in that movie…I still have no idea.

One time when the Rangers were in the Finals, they couldn't play in Madison Square Garden because there was a circus already using it.

I wonder when Community season 5 will show up.

I saw A Million Ways to Die in the West, which starts off really slowly but ends up really funny, assuming you enjoy Seth McFarlane and his style. And I do!

In this case I would have gone with borderline pedophilia…but it's all so sweet, who could complain!

I never really read comics, but the comic book store was always my closest source of baseball cards.

One time I took a picture of King Zog of Albania and wrote over it the caption "Kneel Before ZOG!" And then I discovered what "ZOG" means on the Internet.

Yeah and that guy is a billionaire. He's one of the dragons on Dragons' Den (or a shark on Shark Tank or whatever the US version is called).

True. But now it has Guitar Hero!

In Canada, we watched Schoolhouse Rock in American history class in high school. (We also listened to "We Didn't Start The Fire"…)