"These are the only pants I have, I don't want to get them dirty!"
"These are the only pants I have, I don't want to get them dirty!"
Works on commission?
Perhaps, but the first season is terrible, and so easy to forget.
I like how he's cool with his son getting gay married. Also the phrase "getting gay married" is hilarious.
I love how some wrappers and packaging in Europe are inexplicably in French, Dutch, and Arabic.
And then she herself hides the Enterprise in a star's corona shortly afterwards in Descent!
Polygraphy was nonstop hilarious, I thought. Of course, it is completely out of touch with reality, but I don't think I require absolute realism from this show…
Getting married at 21 was that guy's problem. People are still too young and stupid at that age. (Also: every other age)
Speedy means "as speedy as possible under the circumstances." Months or years *is* speedy.
Orson is a part of us all! A part of us all! A part of us all!
Wayne Knight is one of Kevin Costner's legal staff. The "magic loogie" scene from Seinfeld is a parody of one of his scenes in JFK.
Doesn't basically anyone with European ancestry have Neanderthal DNA?
There is a Bob and Doug Mackenzie album, The Great White North. It's no good, unless you're 12, or you like that song with Geddy Lee.
Sadly no, but he played the same character on Perfect Strangers though.
He wishes he'd been a girlie, just like his dear papa.
She learns nothing in the end and there are no consequences for what she does. That movie is great.
I always, without fail, confuse him with Andy Rooney,
That's why they put him on the Group W bench.
It's funny that because Wolfcastle has an accent, everyone remembers the line as if it was spoken with incorrect grammar.