Lord Steven Varys Adams

But I can already eat at Olive Garden as many times as I want for the rest of my life for zero dollars!

“In God we trust, all others must bring data.”

What they’re doing isn’t exactly new. The biggest drawback of using perm magnet motors in EV’s is the “electric drag” they induce at high speed cruise/coast. It appears to overcome this, they shift one set of magnets to reduce the drag effect (think of this as variable cams for perm magnet electric motors).

An older,

My confidence in bold claims is inversely proportional to the number of typos in the presentation.

It is possible to disapprove of Epic’s exclusivity practices—and to be disappointed that a game you’ve been looking forward to has become an EGS exclusive (almost certainly for a period of no more than a year)—without resorting to shitting all over devs who decide to take the deal.

This is especially true of faking

I’m beginning to wonder if perhaps it isn’t the healthiest thing in the world for people to wrap their entire identity and core of their being around the act of consumption of a specific product.

I’m just taking a stab in the dark that these self described Gamers™ and Consumers™ would probably benefit from backing


It took me a minute to realize those were two photos side by side, and not one photo showing one Thunder player doubled over in ball pain while a rampaging Green kicks another one in the balls right next to him.

Deadspin is not your personal erotica site!

it depends on several things: where you are in your current contract, years of service, accolades like all nba, how many cups of coffee you can drink without murdering someone, how many times you’ve driven the autobahn, if you can parallel park downtown in Seattle, how long you can hold your breath, it’s all right

It’s also neat that he’s the first player to start a game and earn the save.

After the O’s used nine actual, professional pitchers”

Everyone that I know has seen their wages substantially increase in the last ten years. I made 65k in 2009 and will make 134k this year.

The second I saw he was an artist from Riot it was obvious what to expect. It is remarkably on brand for their style.

Chill, you puritans. It’s cute.

Congrats on joining us here at what I like to call, the punchline

“see, Tina, you could learn a thing or two from our son" -the ghost of Ike Turner


There was an article?

Good article! I’ll admit I only clicked cuz of boobs, though.