Long Standing Ovation

I have on good authority you are mistaken. Particularly on holidays.

Couldn't they have checked the petition for grammar, though?

My first thought!

"We got out to the parking lot, she started smurfing me." "No. Smurfing. Way." "Smurf Yeah!"

Denis O'Hare or GTFO

Nice avatar!

That was as pointless as it was the low point of that season. That said, still enjoyed most of the season.

After Trayvon Martin was killed, Spike Lee tweeted what he thought was George Zimmerman's address. But it was just some poor old couple with a similar name.

You girls are making me feel smart!

What is your favorite interview format? Oh, the same exact questions for everyone? Every time? Wow, umm… nevermind.


Fucking hate that thing

Yup. My sister-in-law was missing for an hour or so (couldn't get phone reception) and I will never for the rest of my life forget trying to console my wife and tell her everything will be ok, and debating going looking for her, despite the abject terror that there might be more explosions.

I'm in/from Boston and was here during the bombing. This movie is neither wanted nor appreciated in any way.

I memba that!

[AVclub cancels coverage of beloved show]

here here

You mean those ear plugs?

I memba!

And the action scenes have been stunning of late