Long Standing Ovation

I’m not holding out hope

Nope - he picked the name and had 6 guys from all over the world write it in Japanese on the walls of their deathrow cells before they died.

“Thank you for hearing meh plea”

Yes, but it is still comforting to find you here!

Drink your Ovaltine?

The dude-bros that Robin worked for had a few moments:

Do you honestly think anyone would miss you if you OD?

… and a woman

…and a woman


Spike Lee angrily tweets Rhea Perlman's address to Benicio del Toro

… and a woman

… and a woman

I edit G-code for CNC machining in notepad every single day. Not sure what in the hell we'd do without it.

Read the recent GQ interview a while back - he is literally proud of his illiteracy. Like, he can't believe someone illiterate could be as amazing as himself. He compared himself to a car that floats - like, if there were a car on a crowded highway that just magically floated, that would him among all men.

Oh hell yeah - might also be a great pre-screener for Netflix movies…

Wow thank you for that. I love the deadpan narrative style of it. Funniest thing I've read in ages. No judgement, just a list stupid thing after stupid thing after stupid thing…

Professor of Thanksgiving, Kyle Brofloski…

And absolutely no prefrontal cortex (implicated in impulse control)

One of the all time greatest WTF moments.