Long Standing Ovation

"Based on Stephen King’s classic horror novel, the film hits theaters on September 8"

I got a Burn Notice notification for this?

That sucks. I'm in the exact situation, but the uncle is an uncle-in-law. Mrs. O and I haven't figured out any better solution than to be patient with Grandma, but staunchly refuse to interact with the uncle when she tries to get us to reach out, unblock him on FB, get on the phone, etc. Sorry I really don't have any

Happy Birthday! I turn 36 on Sunday.

Randy Marsh objects!

I fucking love 7/11 hotdogs

I got chewed out the other day for suggesting the *possibility* that Corinne would lie about this for attention.

People who annoy you:

This is nice. Should we make it a weekly thing?

To be accurate, the home audience was a house cat and a Honduran maid who doesn't know if she's allowed to change the channel.

What happened to Buzzsaw?

Nope - power bottom with OCD.

Funniest 'for example' I ever done read

Sadly, some heartless bastard likely adopted/bought it, figured out it was too much work, and abandoned it. Is there a local vet you could surrender it to? Good luck!

Cuck, Cuck Goose

Came here for this, thank you.

Yes. The heroin growing conversation is the blackest humor I've come across in years. Loved it.

Yes, I look forward to this each day. A little piece of sanity.

Laughed out loud at that one - Samberg's delivery is *perfect* sometimes.

I changed it to 'orifice'