Long Standing Ovation

Here's another way to put it - when he open's the other door, he is giving you information about the location of the prize. Information you didn't have when you made your first choice.

Terry's extremely strained smile in response to that was brilliant.

Came here for this

I forget though - why is she now turning mortal?

I guess if Baal was watching, and Ash had to make it look convincing. Hadn't thought of it that way.

I don't understand why Ash was very nearly killing Pablo with the chainsaw earlier in the episode, if he was never under Baal's spell. What I miss?

I'm glad this still comes up

Got mine

I truly believed he couldn't win, and it had nothing to do with my favorite penis-faced friend. I promise you, dik.

Gonna need it


I loved how he *almost* got Charlie Murphy to break character with that one

Financial domination - absolutely baffling.

He shouts in German (Austrian?) at the kids in Kindergarten Cop

Pablo looking in the mirror and seeing it back on his face was terrifying

My take as well, glad I'm not alone

How 'bout more lava? Anybody need more lava?

Every now and then when I need to feel terrified I re-watch her in Misery

If he came back with his lobster hands from Freak Show I'd just die…

Just saw him live in Boston, first night of the tour. He killed it he was so good…