
I totally agree. Even by staying with Bill she’s opened herself up for criticism. I just feel a little bit bad for her because even though she’s chosen to be in the public eye, she has a right to privacy as it pertains to her and her husband’s sex life.

I can’t imagine being in Hillary’s shoes when these allegations arise, though. Any of us could argue that she’s a first rate bitch if she tried to smear Broaddrick or any of Bill’s other dalliances, but if you were to put yourself in her shoes, she was likely acting as any hurt spouse might. It’s easy to judge her and

I would like to have that discussion too. I would like to read that article too as a Hungarian woman of color, but I’m too busy looking at everyone’s super cute dramatic gif war.

There is something very US-centric about responses to this. I’d be interested to know more about how this related to race & Hungarian history.

Could we have an actual discussion, maybe? Wouldn’t it be more helpful to explain to people who might not understand how this is not an appropriate way to draw attention to a worthy topic? Instead of mocking and condemning dogmatically, could we explore the ways that this cause could be better served, and educate one

However, it has been documented that Hillary with Blumenthal organized the smear attacks against Broaddrick, Willey and other women who had come forward and hired the private investigators. I have worked with sexual assault victims of a powerful and well known doctor and the attempts to smear weaker victims by a

It is the part that Hillary orchestrated attacks to silence these women that is the worst part.

Anyone notice a distinct difference in Jezebel tone when it comes to Cosby and Clinton? This reads as extremely dismissive. I guess when it comes to Clinton worship, nothing can penetrate.

Get real- you know that’s bullshit. This is about Muslim men who believe in their heart of hearts that gang sexual assault is normal. Sure, men of all races rape, but this was a coordinated attack involving 100 women and up to 1000 men- this was PLANNED.

so you are giving a pass to the 80 sexual assaults(that have been reported so far)? If this had happened on an american college campus(or anywhere in the U.S. for that matter) you would be peeing all over everything and everyone screaming about how this is an example of ‘rape culture’.

Yup. I’m Latin American and I feel the same about my culture. It IS more macho and I DO experience more sexism and street harassment there than in Europe and the US or Canada.

White women can’t be raped by POC. Rape = unwanted sexual contact + power.

I tell you I come from the middle east, and when someone tells me that our culture is not more macho blabla I feel SO disrespected, because I feel treated like a small child that can’t take criticism. Taking my culture seriously means judging it according to the same standards everyone else is judged. My mom, my

This is true. When I was living in Europe, the worst street harassment I ever experienced was from Middle Eastern, Arab and African men. I wish it weren’t the case but it’s true.

It is, in general. But in this case you can’t ignore the immigration angle because of the sheer volume of men involved (over 1000) and because police suspect these attacks were organised, possibly on social media, and that is what they’re trying to establish right now. They literally swarmed these women systematically

Likely missed their How Not To Rape Women educational classes as they were inconveniently scheduled

“an overwhelming fuckton of offenders are men”

It IS an immigration issue. When I get hit on in a really disrespectful way here in western europe, it is almost always from men from the middle east or nothern africa. Their culture IS more patriarchal - denying that is just positive racism. I am sorry, I grew up in a middle eastern family, I know the culture at

But an overwhelming fuckton of offenders are men.

Are you more concerned about the actual event or its geopolitical implications?