
The biggest difference is that they are on Federal land. That means it is the Federal authorities who decide whether or not to take action—not local police yahoos itchin’ to use their shiny military-surplus riot suppression gear.

So now we’re all to jump on the “let’s make the word terrorist meaningless!” bandwagon? Seriously? These are not terrorists. These are what almost 50% of America is now made up of: Idiots. You could MAYBE call them retarded revolutionary-wannabees, but that’s still far from a terrorist.

Wait... is this Fox News

This “building” is essentially a step up from a picnic pavilion at your local part.

Dude, it’s a tree house in the middle of Nowherefucksberg, Oregon.

if its an open state law (ie: ppl can carry guns to the drug store so going to some forestry building also applies), then they are only occupying. the fact they have guns is unrelated. Now if they point those at people when asking for something, then it certainly is terrorism.

Just shut the fuck up.

It wouldn’t be considered terrorism if students took over the college administration building in 1971 to protest the jailing of Huey Newton. Some of us have lived through the Panthers pretty much running the show and getting away with it.

Come on, I’m sure I’d generally agree with you on most things but this isn’t a good hill to die on. Dylan Roof & the planned parenthood shooter, 100% terrorists. These are just a couple dildos in the woods wanting to get on television. If that wasn’t the case they’d probably have more luck occupying a building that

You are right in that the solution is to alter our language. It’s well-documented that thug is just a new way of saying nigger. We need to use non racially-coded language.

I totally get where you’re coming from, but the author is making the point these guys aren’t the KKK here. They’re not actually scary, they’re just sad men in a world that is rapidly passing them by.

No, it’s not remotely fair that peaceful black protesters in Ferguson or multiracial protesters in New York get pepper

I agree. I honestly think the best thing we can do is ridicule the shit out of these cowards, while waiting patiently for them to get bored and leave looking like the dipshits they are.

It’s because they’re a bunch of dipshits sitting around a rec center in Bumfuck Oregon begging to be martyrs. The worst thing that could happen would be shooting them.

They don’t have hostages, aren’t spraying bullets into crowds, haven’t hijacked any planes, not blowing up malls, not releasing bio-weapons, not contaminating water supplies, nor are they threatening to detonate a thermo-nuclear device in a metropolitan area. They are not terrorists.

I don’t think calling them morons and jamokes and dinguses and slow-witted white dorks in their best Sunday camo is handling them with kid gloves. I don’t think the solution to the imbalanced application of law enforcement in the United States is for the heavy-handed destructiveness wrongfully applied in certain

After a while it gets boring bringing your trucks to the same spot at the far end of the Walmart parking lot and you start thinking “guys, what if maybe there’s more to life”