
Favorite part of the game this weekend was when it was over and NBC Sports kept the feed up while the cameras just panned the crowd. The fans seemed to only get louder and more energetic after the game ended. It was only a minute or two but it seemed like it lasted an eternity on tv. God I wish I could experience that

Fair point and it totally makes sense. It certainly seems to be portrayed as an old-guard vs new-guard difference of mindsets. But with regards to them not seeing the real danger approaching, haven’t they all had enough white walker encounters to this point to understand the real threat? They may not have individually

I like your analogy. I guess considering who makes up the Night’s Watch it’s understandable how dim they are. It just always seems laughable to me that even with the encounters they’ve had(Hardhome in particular) and how Jon’s leadership is basically the only reason they’re surviving that Thorne and his supporters

“Sick burn!”

Color me logical but how can it be that Thorne and his goons refuse to accept Jon’s move with the wildlings. They have to know they’re already drastically undermanned to fight the white walkers. So instead of just accepting that your former enemy is your only immediate option for an ally, you would rather knowingly

You obviously learned nothing from Samberg and Parnell

That McCartney show was a relationship defining experience for my then-s.o.-now-fiancee and me. I’ll never forget a single detail. I only wish I was lucky enough to experience a Prince show in the same way.

Let’s not forget Zac Rinaldo!

Also RIP Arvel Crynyd

Came here for Slave 1. This is even better. Now for some B-Wing action

If I’m truly expected to believe that there were no slurs used by fans just because there is no instance of it in any of the recorded audio feeds from the game and this isn’t a cover up conspiracy by ESPN and the Cardinals and I’m supposed to owe Cardinals fans the benefit of the doubt I will gladly take my sports

Can I get a Marty Straka and a Jan Hrdina?

Pictured above: The Hunger Games kickoff ball.

I hoped I’d never have to see this play out

As a daily reader of Deadspin, this is my favorite day of Deadspin I’ve ever experienced. Thank you, Jezebel staff!

This is my favorite. Thanks, Anna.


Mike Tomlin appears obviously to be enjoying himself, as usual.
