The only thing my company gave away at Christmas was COVID-19 to all our staff and residents, and killed 15 of them (Elderly residents).
The only thing my company gave away at Christmas was COVID-19 to all our staff and residents, and killed 15 of them (Elderly residents).
It would be one thing if they were just visually similar.
[Keanu is busy doing unspeakable things to six virtual Keanus]
It honestly feels like CD Projekt Red doesn’t really have much of a handle on how gamers think.
You put a hot celebrity in a game. Yeah, people are going to want to fuck said hot celebrity*.
This was as inevitable as anything in gaming could possibly be.
* Actually, the celebrity doesn’t even have to be hot. If Ernest…
I wonder what is going on internally at Jalopnik that attracts such excellent writers/enables such excellent writing. As a reader, I fell respected by both you and by Jalopnik that you got meta regarding the norms of journalistic ethics suddenly applying to a class of professionals who may not think of themselves as…
But see, a REAL man would internalize that stress and pain and let it build as resentment for his wife and relationship.
The NYT, and these parents, need to mind their own fucking business. Whenever I hear parents talking about how their kids need to play less games or spend less time on the computer, THIS is what I think of:
If this wasn’t full of COVID-19 references, I would think this was published 20 years ago. Also, that quote from his mom...
“What are you going to do when you’re married and stressed? Tell your wife that you need to play Xbox?”
Is it 1992 again already?
As a mid-30s guy who played a lot of games, specifically Animal Crossing and its built in sense of virtual community, during all of this to keep sane and in touch with friends and family, this NYT article can kindly fuck off. I’ll keep sussing my 8-year-old nieces and nephews in Among Us from afar on a weekly basis (be…
That will only work if you remember to tug on the cord and say to your buddy, "That's not going anywhere, right?"
Just hang it out the back of the plane, and bungee cord it in place
Wind farms also tend to be places where it’s........windy........
I’m glad that they do. I much prefer swapping some rechargeable batteries than having to dock and charge a controller.
With 24 movies across almost 60 years, you’re bound to get a very wide variance of opinions. I’ve seen a guy claim with all seeming sincerity that Die Another Day is his favorite.
Well that’s better than when someone wanted my Twitter handle so badly they SWATted me...
I use an XBox controller for my PC so I can recline and game like a nobleman.
UNBELIEVABLE! Someone guessed my pets name was
The Mandalorian will have justified its own existence for this alone.