
Sounds like they do away with the playboy persona completely in the new movie. I haven’t seen it yet, though. Just what I’ve seen online.

I wasn’t happy about this thing being saber proof either.

I was just about to comment about Eccleston’s dark elf role. :)

I’m intrigued by this, but isn’t the basic premise basically the same as Venom? Human gets powers and urge to eat people, takes it out on bad guys?

I love this movie so much I may go and finally buy Andrew Garfield’s movies. the Raimi trilogy has always been my favorites and then the MCU movies. But Andrew Garfield was so great in No Way Home he retroactively made me like his two movies a little bit more. Kind of like Thor: Ragnarok made me like the original two

Yeah, now that I’ve seen the freeze frames of it, you’re right.

Yeah, we’ll probably get this. ;)

That’s exactly what I was wondering.

I don’t think those necessarily looked like Ultron drones.

Is Willis in serious debt or something? It’s like that time Nick Cage was in anything that guaranteed a paycheck to pay off all his debt.

since it has now been confirmed for him that he has ended up developing irumodic syndrome right on schedule.

Obviously those new rocks are just a holographic projection Artoo created to hide himself. ;)

I always thought the Special Editions were also to get some seed money for the prequel trilogy?

Holy cow, that was so dark and yet so hysterical. :)

I wouldn’t say I didn’t like Andrew Garfield in the Amazing movies, I just didn’t like how his character was written. And the stories were pretty terrible. But if they could write a good story, I would be down with seeing him reprise the role.

Michael Morbius is shown running down an alley which has a large picture of Spider-Man on it, with “MURDERER” graffitied over it, indicating that Morbius takes place in the MCU.

The Matrix: Reburial

So I guess the Joel Schumacher movies are in another universe

Wasn’t the Incredible Hulk post credit scene already retconned/recontextualized by the Marvel One Shot: The Consultant?