
I’ll watch it but in my mind it will be the further adventures of Young Scully from Brooklyn Nine Nine. :D

Finally got around to watching this and the reviewer was correct. I thought the first one was pretty bad and I thought this one was pretty bad, too. Glad I didn’t spend any money on it.

Men Without Hats are dead to me now.

Damn. I was hoping he filmed parts 1 and 2 back to back like Back to the Future 2 and 3, Matrix 2 and 3, Deathly Hallows 1 and 2, etc.

Damn. I was hoping he filmed parts 1 and 2 back to back like Back to the Future 2 and 3, Matrix 2 and 3, Deathly Hallows 1 and 2, etc.

I was so psyched when the show came back in 2005. I loved it and I loved watching the Doctor Who Confidentials. I really liked Stephen Moffat’s episodes that he wrote during the RTD era, but I was less than thrilled by the show when he took over as showrunner. I was mostly enjoying the Chris Chibnall ones but I sort

Oh, man. Jake was so grown up by that episode.

I still haven’t seen most of the last two seasons because it aired on WGN in Chicago and I would dutifully set my VCR to record it only to find out later it was preempted for a Cubs game. :(  I keep meaning to stream it, but because I’m a little OCD I need to start at the beginning and do a full re-watch and just

The show itself has nothing to do with the mainline MCU, doesn’t set up anything happening in it, or even hint at it at all.

If you want the best filmed version of how Batman fights a group of goons, it’s probably the dock sequence in Batman Begins, where he uses stealth and scare tactics to separate his assailants and thin the herd before he confronts the last few.

Did that Brightburn kid grow up and transition to female? :)

Seems way more likely that Disney recast actors who either didn’t have interest or wanted more money than they could afford and kept all others than them purposefully excluding female actors.

My literal “laugh out loud” moment was when Thor “fixed” the Leaning Tower of Pisa. :)

What if… Odin decided not to steal a baby. (A rare instance of the Allfather behaving like a normal person.)

Why don’t they just have a genre show category. They don’t make comedies compete against dramas. Why do genre shows always have to get shoved to the side?

To be fair, the navy rank structure is a little different. A navy lieutenant is like an army captain (O-3). A navy captain is like an army full bird colonel (O-6). 

...but the way Bucky casually pushes Sharon aside before dispatching Steve and taking his shield stands out as the episode’s flashiest (and most inadvertently funny) scenes.

Bruce’s reaction to seeing Zombie Iron Man, Zombie Strange, and Zombie Wang start eating the Black Order cracked me up. I was half expecting him to say...

Hmm. That does make sense. I don’t refer to The Doctor as Doctor Who, so that threw me. And by putting it in italics it seems to be making a comparison to the show Doctor Who, which confuses things, too. But point taken. Thanks.

I was so happy they brought him back for Wandavision.