
Granted the production of the original Time Bandit is almost as infamous as Terry Gilliam’s The Adventures of Baron Munchausen.

I would like the Motion Comic more if they had spent the extra money to hire a full cast instead of just having the one guy do all the voices. That just takes me out of it. :/

...but it once again feels like a “The companion just happens to be some incredible important being around whom all of reality is fixed...” type stuff, and I long immediately to return to average schlubs being whisked around time and space.

“The Bootstrap Paradox” is a monologue presented toward the camera, but functions as a prologue. Other times, such as in “Heaven Sent”, are clearly him talking to himself. They’re still contained within the narrative without referencing the fact that there is a narrative.

Honestly, as someone who has been watching since the Tom Baker days, the show’s writing has been pretty sub-par since around the time they thought “sonic sunglasses” would be a good idea. The Chris Chibnall era was pretty dismal. The cast was fantastic, but the stories were...not. I was hoping the return of RTD would

I was worried no one would get the reference. And I was commenting using my iPad so it wouldn’t attach the photo I was trying to attach.

No, Mearth. 🤣

I don’t know why Mark Ruffalo would be tired of playing Banner. It’s not like he has to get in 0% body fat ripped shape like Chris Helmsworth (Endgame notwithstanding). 

The only thing that didn't quite work for me was MODOK without his mask. The rest I was fine with.

Now playing

With the popular cover by Naked Eyes in the 80s, I’m surprised this song didn’t get a mention.

Now playing

I got the impression that there was an Uncle Ben and that something happened similar to what happened in the standard continuity without the full “with great power” speech happening until Aunt May.

I rolled a 97.

I pulled my DMG off the shelf and confirmed. :)

“As you slowly approach the cavernous room, you hear a strange noise. It is...<checks table>...a gong. As you pass out of the darkness into the torchlight you are confronted by...”

Yeah, I tried editing my post and replying to my own post when I discovered that, but I was on my iPad and it is not Kinja friendly. I’m on a laptop now.  :D

So now, the big question is…who was in Benois Blanc’s Zoom call? Natasha Lyonne or Charlie Cain? 🤣

Wow. That video was Rebecca Black Friday levels of bad. 

They can ride around on Johnny 5’s back. 🤓

And what about Chuck Cunningham? 🤣