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Allow the 80s and throw Automan in the mix. :)

Someone at Marvel HQ was real excited to see they had an opportunity to recycle their tentacle monster model from the Cpt. Carter episode.

So...just the ending to Butterfly Effect?

That’s what I thought they were leading to, as well.

Is it “fridging” every time a (male) main character’s story involves the death of a (female) supporting character? Because if so, then I’m sorry to say, there’s absolutely nothing wrong with fridging. That’s one of the things supporting characters can be for, and it’s not a better or worse use of one than any

I’m rapidly moving into the “AV Club reviews are tedious bloviating” camp. I find it amusing that they give a B rating to an episode with the words “Failed Spectacularly” in the headline. Unless, of course, that’s just click bait. Although, the text of the article would seem to judge the episode more harshly than the

I just rewatched A Beautiful Mind last night. 2001 Jennifer Connelly was no slouch either. :)

How Fury manages to fend Pym off when none of the Avengers were able to isn’t exactly clear. But the two trade blows in font of Hope’s grave, and the thick fog makes it increasingly difficult for Hank to see what’s happening.

I expect the plot largely revolves around Neo and Trinity trying to get to an inside-the-matrix Refugee Rave/underground Zion Dance Party like the one from THE Matrix Reloaded.

At the end when Quill finally unwraps the present his mom gave him on her death bed, in the note to him she calls him her little Starlord and it’s implied that was a pet name for him.

So she ended up doing the exact same thing this other writer suggested. Using it in the context of a show.

When we meet Sersi in Eternals, she’s actually living among contemporary human society in London, working as a museum curator.

And it’s already back to having Sam Wilson’s Cap back.

I’m a big fan of the guy, but he wasn’t a great host, in my opinion

I’ll have to check out that article when I have time to read it. But I remember reading Code Name Ginger when it first came out and it was an interesting story. But I remember the first time I rode a Segway I realized you couldn’t stand with your knees locked because any bumps in the road would send the shock straight

Yes, you’re right. I forgot about that one, too. :)

I think you’re right. Cordo Maltese has been the “go to” location in a lot of DC properties. It was referenced in The Dark Knight Returns and I’m pretty sure characters went there in the Arrow show.

Sure, you have your Shazam!s and your Ant-Mans, but on the whole, American superhero cinema has become preoccupied with the somber responsibility of being a demigod in a world full of helpless victims.