
Man, I can hear that in character in my head and now I wish I had his CDs on my ipod. I’d love to listen to them again. It’s been ages. 

Came to post the same thing. :)

I’m all in for this movie. I love the originals. But I’ll be curious how they set it up since they ended the second movie with their performance at the battle of the bands uniting the planet. 

Would that be considered a First Person Healer game?

...which relied on non-digital effects to replicate the imagery and vibe of film’s from the time period.

Having 3 companions breaks the long standing Doctor/Companion dynamic.

I thought that was Kevin Kline around 16 seconds in but then I realized it looked like 90s Kevin Kline and he is much older now. :)

I feel vindicated that five of my favorite comedies are in the top 25. Brooklyn Nine-Nine, Rick & Morty, Community, The Good Place, and Parks and Rec. 😁

I’m a year behind and just watched this episode after listening to two hours of impeachment hearings this morning. :)

I always liked Daredevil but recognized its flaws. I really liked the DC of it. 

Orphan Black’s legacy will almost certainly be Tatiana Maslany’s incomparable versatility; the series lead played five main characters, and managed to make each role feel lived-in.

Looking forward to each subsequent re-release modifying this scene, until it’s expanded to the point where it warrants its own full movie.

Blazing Saddles’ 4th-wall obliterating ending is why I always rank Young Frankenstein as the better Mel Brooks movie. I love Blazing Saddles but it feels like Brooks couldn’t figure out a way to end the movie and just said “F it.”

Ok now I’m spooked. I thought the Monopoly man had a monocle too...

First Felix Leiter and now Jim Gordan? What the hell, Jeffrey Wright!?!

I’m scrambling to find the GD autoplay video so I can shut it the F down, but I can’t find it so I’m just closing this tab on my browser. Fuck you, AV Club.

Drew Barrymore is one of my big-time Celebrity crushes, and a lot of it is because of this movie. But my wife and I also love Never Been Kissed, Ever After, and her other movies, too.

The novelization of the The Motion Picture says that the other officer killed with Xon was Kirk’s girlfriend, come aboard to say goodbye and wish him luck. I think.

I always said (and still believe) that Star Trek: the Motion Picture became a good movie the day that VCRs with remote controls became available. :)