
Well, to be fair...the sequel was originally supposed to be called Bill & Ted Go To Hell but they were forced to change it. :)

Straight from my 1979 edition of The Muppet Movie book. :)

The first trailer actually had me intrigued, like they were going to revisit the first movie in a Back to the Future 2 kind of way except now with old Arnold and other changes to the timeline. But then the second trailer revealed what they were really doing with the movie and it lost me. Full props to anyone who

That’s why T2 is one of the biggest trailer spoiler movies.  Imagine watching that movie for the first time not having seen any of the trailers. Arnold was an unstoppable killing machine in the first movie. The sequel starts out very coy when showing Robert Patrick and Arnold’s arrivals. You never see Robert Patrick

How’d they manage to make the liquid metal effect look less convincing than a movie from 28 years ago?

Now playing

But how are they going to explain how Watts gets sent forward in time from 1987 and turned into a Terminator? :)

Where did you learn it was alright to run a mercenary group and kill people Joe? I learned it from you watching you Dad alright!

Man, I read the shit out of the Danny Dunn books. DD and the Homework Machine, DD and the Anti-Gravity Paint, DD and the Invisibility Something (that was really a remote piloted dragonfly drone or something).

Haven’t really been excited about The Flash lately. Finally just watched this episode. Ralph swinging through the city was the best part of this episode, followed by the contortionist, followed by Cecile. :)

I like to think at he was always worthy, but in that party setting he subconsciously thought “but there’s no way I can pick this up” and Mew-Mew was like “A’ight”. But in the heat of battle Steve was like I have to try and Mew-Mew was like “Let’s fuck some shit up.”

...joining Fox’s earlier discarded X-Men spin-off The Gifted.

They can use the same quantum tech that made Ant-Man into a baby. :)

Unless I’m misunderstanding your question, it’s because he was kept frozen most of the last 75 years they would thaw him out for a mission and re-freeze him. If he did one mission every five years and each mission took two weeks that’s still only 30 weeks of awake and aging time  now that he is free he is aging like

Or he snapped her back and she’s stranded on Vormir with the Red Skull hitting on her. :)

As a big fan of Agent Carter (which I will continue to insist is the best MCU episodic series), this rubbed me the wrong way too.

Ugh. I went this morning and went to an 8am showing specifically to minimize idiot people in the theater. 30 seconds before the movie starts (like at 8:20 after all the previews) a couple comes in and sits 12 feet to my left...with their two of which was like 3 and had zero interest in the movie. She

I know the big question was who would take up the Captain America mantle after Steve Rogers, Bucky or Sam. But I think it kind of makes sense they would want to diversify that role, too. I wasn’t too surprised they went with Sam.

And it just now occurred to me we didn’t get Vision back as far as I can tell. He wasn’t snapped away so he couldn’t be brought back that way. So I guess he’s gone, huh?  :/

The woman power moment I DID enjoy was Wanda almost taking Thanos apart single-handedly. But even that could have used a bit more context, I think.

I found myself wondering why a character who just tore through a flagship would need Mantis and the Wasp for protection.