
Monster Trucks made 64 million dollars. Which is 43 million dollars more than Hellboy made.

Most gruesome scene in MCU?

I started watching the first one years ago and was like, “meh”, but I’ve heard they have gotten really crazy fun, so now I want to start at the beginning and watch them all.

Should be in black and white, but an excellent effort nonetheless. RIP Fanon Eric O’Grady.

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If Oliver was smart he’d have a bunch of people running around in Arrow gear every night just to mess with the feebies.

Damn. That was good. And just watching those clips of Yondu’s sacrifice and funeral still get those waterworks going. Love this movie.

I didn’t truly appreciate it until I saw the Lindsay Ellis video on it.

They’d better not recast Darla or I will riot!

Yeah, I don’t often opt for IMAX 3-D but this was one I definitely was on board for.

Even in Ang Lee’s Hulk, this character could have easily been Rick Jones instead of “Harper”.  Banner even throws himself in front of the gamma blast to save him.

How is this article based on this premise...

I wasn’t making any judgements on either of them. I haven’t seen either of them. But both seemed like wanna be blockbusters that outright failed, which the previous comment said wasn’t a thing anymore. I haven’t seen Speed Racer either but I don’t think it did well either. I do want to see it, I just never got around

It was still a failed wannabe blockbuster, though, correct?

To be perfectly honest, I was just being snarky for the sake of being snarky. I haven’t seen Gibson’s Hamlet since it came out in 1990 and I have never seen Hawke’s Hamlet. I loved Brannagh’s Hamlet, although Billy Crystal and Robin Williams being in it was a little distracting and took me out of the movie. I also

Funny how failed wanna-be blockbusters like the Day The Earth Stood Still remake are just gone now.

Great. *slow clap*  Now when will they do something about the GD thumbs.db file preventing me from deleting otherwise empty folders?

This article made me rewatch Winter Solder again tonight. Still one of the top 5 MCU movies. But has anyone ever explained how Steve and Nat break into the bunker, take a long elevator down to Zola’s server room, and when the missile hits, they get blown back up to ground level?  :)

Hell, I would have gone with the 2 second scene of Groot screaming while Rocket fires a gun from his back.

During the stadium fight, why did Barry start running backwards so Nora could catch him? Did I miss something?