
So the big chip on Nora’s shoulder was actually about a CHIP ON HER SHOULDER?

what is up with that yellow pole in the middle of the living room?

I’m only six months behind on The Flash. And this episode justified my staying away. The review mentions the heavy handed “fake news” story, but does anyone in the comments mention the heavy handed “you took away my choice” storyline? I couldn’t tell if they were going for a heavy handed cis/trans gender thing or what.

The actor in that scene (Aaron Himelstein) also played City College’s lead debator Jeremy Simmons on Community.

Yeah, me saying it is at the bottom of my personal MCU ranking just means I like it the least of all the MCU movies. That doesn’t mean I hate it or think it’s a bad movie. I’ll pop this on and watch it before I re-watch Ready Player One any day of the week.

I imagine there will be some Force Ghost Luke and Palpatine.

I completely forgot that Sam Rockwell came back to play Justin Hammer one last time in this. That was probably the best of the One Shots, with the possible exception being the Agent Carter one.

since every subsequent movie essentially ignored it completely.

The scene with him talking to Banner was funny and that could have been the mid-credit scene, but then a very end-credit scene like you describe would have made sense.

I think the hand waving away of Extremis is the bigger issue. Tony fixes Extremis, fixes Pepper, fixes his own heart...and then. You’d think after Rhodey broke his spine in Civil War there would be at least a throw-away line about incorporating Extremis in his treatment plan along with the mechanical leg braces. I do

Ha! The TLJCU. :D

Strange Quark

To be honest - Ragnarok was the first Thor movie I actually enjoyed.

Except RPO is set in Ohio.

Thor I think is underrated. They nailed the look of Asguard. They didn’t half ass it. They went all the way to 11. Full on bonkers. Chris Hemworth was like casting Christopher Reeves as Superman. Just spot on. And he’s been a linchpin of the MCU ever since.

Did someone say “up Quark”?

And the ‘world-building’ is just so incredibly tame by modern-MCU standards. SHIELD was part of Iron Man 1, so they weren’t shoe-horned in. Adding Natasha worked, even if she was just there to fill out a jumpsuit.

But playing his alcoholism for laughs in “Iron Man 2" just felt in bad taste.

that AC/DC-heavy sequence of Iron Man jumping out of a plane into battle a convention center was pretty good (why does Iron Man need a plane?)