
It’s weird how the stand alone Iron Man sequels don’t seem to fit into the larger MCU.

To this day, Thor 2 is the only one I haven’t rewatched. I don’t remember it being bad, I just don’t remember it much at all.

Yeah, I always took that as a nod to Captain America, too. But more that they were trying to recreate the serum that made Cap.

Also, if it’s hard to sympathize with Ruffalo because of Scarlett Johansson, then the same could be said about Norton considering Liv Tyler!

At one point there is a TV onscreen showing a scene from Courtship of Eddie’s Father on it.

What sets the MCU apart is they’ve never had to do that (give or take an Edward Norton.).

But he was a big-risk hire. Back then if you wanted to hire him onto your film, you had to take out extra insurance because of his history.

I realized he’d done such a good job at playing his role as “guy I fucking hate” in that movie that I’d formed a subconscious bias against him.

Now playing

That looks fun. I’ll have to keep an eye out for it at my used game store.

Now I’m curious what that might have been. I searched the wiki page for Genesis games and only 3 pinball games turned up. Sonic Spinball, Virtual Pinball, and Psycho Pinball which was only available for the Genesis in the UK. That one sounds really cool, though, where your ball could jump from table to table mid-game.

Meh. I’ll just hook up my original Genesis. Sure I don’t have 40 games. But I have the ones I like. And also Metal Head. What a disappointment that was. :(

I’m very fond of Can’t Hardly Wait as well.

I was already 29 when this movie came out, but I loved it and still watch it almost annually.

Yeah, I was so disappointed I went and made my own. :)

“I expected this to feel a lot more like the “era” than it wound up feeling.”

When I watched the movie it didn’t even occur to me that the others may have been Kree. I just assumed they were other alien species that had been recruited into the Starforce kinda like all the various aliens in the Green Lantern Corps.

They did legalize weed. The Christian Taliban may have kicked Colorado out of the Union. 

JFC, as a liberal democrat who served in the military (in a branch whose sole function is blowing stuff up...Field Artillery) the military is a tool which can be used to build or destroy, like a hammer. Unfortunately, our hammer doesn’t have a fancy Asgardian spell attached to it ensuring only the worthy can wield it. 

Can I just take this moment to confess that when watching Age of Ultron for like the 10th time two days ago it finally clicked that Cap was referring to himself when he said...

I saw it earlier this week in Colorado and didn’t see an Air Force ad.