
Hi from December. Just finished the episode. After I finish JJ I still need to see DD season 3, LC season 2, and IF season 2. :(

Universal has Sub-Mariner? That’s interesting. I didn’t know that and wouldn’t have guessed it. Who is he most associated with? I thought Universal only had solo Hulk rights.

I just posted something similar. :) Film now while you have the actors available. Air later. 

I don’t know if it would make any sense at all, but could they theoretically film new seasons now while the actors are still available with the goal of airing them immediately when the 2-year embargo ends? It would be a gamble, but it might be worth it. 

Ha! I read that as some kind of mash-up of Spider-Ham and Han Solo. Spider-Ham Solo! I’d watch that movie, too. :)

This was such an amazing movie. And Gwen arriving early isn’t that strange. When they arrive at the Spider-Cave (the Spider-Web? ;) )  the others had obviously been there a while, too. It seems like down-on-his-luck Peter Parker was the last to arrive in Miles’ ‘verse.

Well I’m hoping that Into The Spider-Verse will be that movie

2018: Black Panther

Honestly, I still really enjoy the Ang Lee Hulk. I thought stylistically with the split screen effect, it was really cool. I love Sam Elliot’s Ross. The Hulk CGI hasn’t aged well, but I thought it was really good when it came out. In my head canon, it is still kinda part of the overall MCU. Isn’t the main reason there

This movie was absolutely amazing. I need to see it again.

Now playing

I liked Garfield’s quippier spiderman. That was the one element under-served in the Raimi movies. Once he puts the mask on, he’s feels free to make fun of people.

Now playing

You were into Monty Python, but you never got into superheroes? Not even... Bicycle Repair Man! :)

I did not know that.

Yay! I would have posted if someone else hadn’t already. Hell, I’ll still post. :D

Disney is not going to waste all the R-rated franchises it is getting in the Fox deal (Alien, Predator, Terminator, at least 30 other hard-R films from the last 30 years) most of these have shown to be non-viable outside an R-rating and the idea that Disney would just kill them all after spending all this money

Whether this means that future Deadpool movies released under the Marvel Studios branding will similarly skew a little younger and less-bawdy will likely depend on how well Once Upon a Deadpool performs when it hits theaters December 12.

This is the darkest timeline...

It was such a chore to finish the last season of The Flash that I haven’t even started this season yet. I’ll probably watch the crossover event but has the new season improved at all?