
Haven’t read any of the comments yet, but I didn’t pick up on any crush Malcolm may have had on Trish. I thought he was going to pick up on her signs of addiction and try to help. Him commenting on her messy eating seemed an out-of-the-blue set-up for him having a crush.

I’m not bothered one bit by this torrent of new streaming services. :|

Gotcha. We have a small budget, too, which is why I was hoping the pricing was per use based because that might not be too bad because we are also a small community with not a lot of broadband. But I might have to rethink my idea.

I’m actually thinking about letting Freegal go to free up the money for Hoopla and/or Kanopy. We only have like 6-8 people a month using Freegal.  At least Hoopla and Kanopy appear to be “per use” priced so if only a few people use them we won’t pay as much. At least that’s how I understand it.

Is it pricey because you have a large population you serve and good broadband infrastructure? I just talked to a rep recently because I was considering getting it for my library, and it sounded like the pricing was all “per use”. I was considering it because my library is a smaller one and I suspect not many people in

As a librarian, I say thank you for telling people about the benefits of having a library card. :D

Curiously, however, we don’t even see the Trish/Griffin breakup itself, we just see the fallout between Trish and Dorothy afterwards.

Or Victoria Jackson.

I remember reading an article years ago (maybe around the time the sequel to Darwin’s Radio came out but I’m not sure if the article was talking to Greg Bear or someone else) and the author they were interviewing was saying there was tremendous pressure on authors to not write stand alone novels and to try to turn

Ok, good. I’m not the only one was like “Triple H?? It’s the dude from Beyond Thunderdome!!” :)

I’m about a year behind on my viewing. I finally just watched the season 5 finale. It was fun to immediately pop on the very first episode afterwards and re-watch that.

+ Better Off Dead

This has been a rough year for me because I’m behind on Arrow. So this year I had double the omnipotent omniscient bad guys because I watched Prometheus alongside The Thinker on Flash. 😩

An imbecile?!?

Can we finally get Captain Sulu and the Excelsior while we’re at  it? :)

I’m just finishing up season 5.
I hate seeing RIPs in comments. :(

Am I the only one who thought Felicity’s “breaking into an ARGUS black site” ensemble kind of ridiculous? And the detached part of my brain know why a TV production has the unnamed goons all wear masks but not the stars, but the part of my brain engaging with the story still gets annoyed. Why is Felicity breaking into

What? No love for the other Shining? :)

So excited for this. I laughed at the “Now thwip. Thwip again.” or whatever he said. Just referencing the thwip was brilliant. :)

I absolutely love this brilliant but flawed movie. And I was already 29 when it came out so I wasn’t some tween laughing at the fart jokes. One thing I love that never gets mentioned is that the Shoveler is in a mixed race family and it is treated as absolutely normal, as it it should be. Great cast, funny lines. I