
You may have scrolled down too far past your article’s comments into this article’s comments that they queued up right below it. I’ve done that before.

Starting with the least essential storyline, Joe and Cecile deal with a most unusual pregnancy complication as an increase in her body’s relaxin hormone transforms her mind-reading ability into a full-blown personality transfer, first with the pizza delivery guy and later with Caitlin and Joe.

Now I want to do a Burn Notice re-watch. I never saw the final season.

I am determined to finish this season. I sat down on my couch and let out an audible groan when I saw there were still 3 episodes to slog through. This season has been such a chore.

It took two years but I finally got my answer. :) Thanks, Andy.

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I heard it was going to be Avengers Forever

Hot Take: I didn’t mind Spider-Man: Homecoming, and thought it was better than Spider-Man 3, The Amazing Spider-Man and The Amazing Spider-Man 2.

I end up watching chunks of Titanic with my wife every so often and that’s been my complaint from the beginning. “So she married and had kids with this other guy, then grandkids, but every night she dreams she’s with another dude?? That’s fucking awful.”

My favorite bad part of this movie is where Silverstone goes down to the Batcave and a computer simulation of Alfred tells her he’s “uploaded my brainwaves to the Bat computer” so he can give her the important plot exposition.

Finally, Tulip confronts the Angel of Death in a clip from next week’s episode, “Schwanzkopf.”.

I thought it was a Soviet deep sea diving suit.

I was really excited to finally have a non-speedster big bad, but the season just went downhill fast. Even Wells isn’t any fun anymore. I think I have six more episodes to go and I’m looking at them like they will be a chore to watch.

I used to love The Flash. I just remembered I never finished watching the most recent season. :/

Either way, keep an eye out for the moment in this movie where Superman shows up and the Italian mobster they’re fighting rubs his eyes and says, “I’m seein’ double—four Supermans!

I’d consider trying this if I didn’t hate having to watch movies with other people who don’t silence their phones even after being specifically reminded by a giant on-screen ad or who check their Facebook with a blindingly bright smart phone in the middle of a movie. There’s only a few movies I will go see in theaters

I see what you did there...

I’m cautiously optimistic now that we have a new show runner. In my personal opinion, the stories have been mostly bad since mid-series 6. I didn’t like any of Capaldi’s seasons enough to buy and I only grudgingly bought series 7.

I would expect that in Avengers 4 there will still be some throw away line where Scott explains how he got to the quantum realm