
So, nothing about the only one that was actually so important it was played in full in the next film, in the first Ant Man no less?

Now playing

I don’t understand why everyone seems to be crediting Marvel with creating these post credit scenes. They were already being done before Iron Man. The one that immediately popped into my mind was the post-credit scene at the end of 2006's X-Men: The Last Stand that hinted that...

I think it’s my memory that is flawed. I just searched and found this breakdown of the scene.

Good thing Scott has his time hoodie...

I really wanted to like the second one, but...

I did not like the mid-credits scene. I knew it was coming, but I fucking hate that this means Wasp is gonna be sidelined AGAIN in at least part of (but probably most of) Avengers 4.

I hear Baba Yaga and I immediately think Hellboy. :)

:) I rewatched Johnny Mnemonic about 10-15 years ago and laughed when he said he could carry 80 gb (or whatever it was) in his head because at the time I had the 160 gb iPod.

When Mission Impossible came out, I probably would have liked it more if it didn’t so casually crap on Jim Phelps, the hero of the TV show for six seasons, by suddenly making him a bad guy.

I haven’t read through all the comments so I don’t know if anyone else brought this up, but I was surprised that Remo Williams: the Adventure Begins didn’t make it in the Honorable Mention list. I remember liking it a lot as a 15 year old. I don’t know how well it holds up today. But it was The Destroyer...on the big

I’m like a year behind on the show and just watched The Sin-Eaters a couple of days ago. Because AV Club doesn’t include either the show number or the show title in their list of recaps you have to read that opening paragraph summary just to figure out which recap is which. Which pissed me the F off when I went

Jesus. Thanks for putting the spoiler right in the GD main episode list description. I came here after watching the previous episode and was reading through the list looking for The Sin-Eater description (since, you know, you don’t include the episode title or number to make it easy) and right there, big as day,

(I’m a season behind, so I’m just now reading these comments for the first time. )

Rogue One is still my favorite of the new movies. I enjoyed TFA but it was too much of a retread of ANH. I would have liked to have seen an Obi Wan movie set between RotS and ANH with Ewan McGregor returning. I thought Solo was decent. I wasn’t sold on their Kessel Run but shrugged and went with it.

I’ve seen it a lot, but it’s usually done by business or media reporters when talking about the corporation.

Good call. You’re right. Clicking on the Patty Jenkins’ tweet photo makes it easier to see. What the hell were the shoulder epaulet snaps things even for? I had one and I still don’t know. :)

Shut the front door!! His dad is Sgt. Getraer??? I never knew that. I loved CHiPs as a kid. :D

That’s your opinion of what the commenter’s intent was. In my opinion it was snark for snark’s sake. The commenter himself later tried to pass it off as “just a joke”. Honestly, I had completely forgotten about it until your random drive by on a 7-month old post.

Someone responded to discuss? Did you actually read the reply? Or do you not know the meaning of the word discuss?

I know I’m in the minority, but I like Affleck in the role and would be bummed to see him go. Unless they decide to make the stand alone Batman movie a “Batman Year One” style prequel and want to cast someone as the young Batman and let Affleck continue the role in future Justice League movies.