
I did not expect this callback: You can turn off a laser grd by freezing it into icicles!

Let me just say, that ending was excellent because it was a genuine surprise - I honestly thought the Warden was a good guy.

I personally don’t like the reboot movies, but this made me want to rewatch Beyond now. :)

I was thinking Sophie’s Choice, but I think Schindler’s List wins. :)

The fact that Ian Ziering keeps cranking these movies out makes me wish that someone would give him his John Travolta/Pulp Fiction moment and give him a big career resurgence. But that he would then still keep cranking these movies out.

I don’t think it was addressed at all how the flowers got their special properties.

Saw it today. Thought it was fantastic. I’m surprised to see Luke Cage that high, because as much as I liked it I thought it kind of fell apart in the final few episodes.

I was half expecting Ralph to rubber face himself into a duplicate of Barry so Barry could go do some Flash stuff.

I hear that. Had a big ol’ crush on her in Zapped and later Police Academy 4.

I especially enjoyed his Ash Williams “Groovy”. He does have a kinda Bruce Campbell-y chin. :)

Can you imagine how bad Chewie smelled after the trash compactor?

That’s who NTW was texting with. :)

It might be worked out that he wears his Sony costume in his solo movies and steps up to his Avengers armor for the Marvel movies. They may have wanted to differentiate themselves a little.

40 years of Chewie doing this to every inch of the interior will have that effect. :)

I bet the Falcon reeks after Chewbacca gets caught in a rainstorm.

Did they learn nothing from Terminator: Genisys?

Doctor Who needs to bring him back for a Three Masters story. :)

I didn’t get the impression that she was suddenly pleased with her strength. It almost seemed like she was feeling ill or had a malaise that went away when she stopped the robbery. I was wondering if it was something similar to Bruce Willis’s character in Unbreakable.

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This week in Black Lightning’s killer soundtrack

Actually it’s Jambi. “You wish to hack the criminal’s cell phone? Your wish is granted. Long live Jambi.”