
In Wanted, Angelina Jolie picks up Jame McAvoy at a grocery store in Berwyn and then 2 minutes later is racing through the Loop. :)

Great visual gags but I thought the “I’m going to disintegrate you!” “Playing Disintegration by The Cure” was a little eyeroll-inducing. And I love The Cure. And that album. :)

I was like, “What’s that on his chest? Did they redesign his suit already? Oh, it’s the YouTube plug-in graphic. Nevermind. :| ”

I would go so far as to add a Best Supporting Actress nomination for Dafne Keen. I thought she did a fantastic job, too.

I remember years ago renting a VHS of The Little Rascals and, in the episode where Spanky’s dad accidentally takes the gangs money and Spanky is hiding from the gang, at one point he (Spanky) gets made up in blackface and pretends to be Buckwheat, and Buckwheat’s mom doesn’t know it’s not him. I think Spanky even gets

I was going to comment something similar. If after Alien 3 they expanded the universe and created a new hero or heroes to follow instead of the ridiculous premise of cloning Ripley (and how does cloning her also clone the parasite living inside her?). They could have started fresh and gone in a new direction, but

After Reynolds got a second chance to play Deadpool and it was a huge success I was really hoping they would give him a second chance to play Green Lantern.

Yeah, in both movies the rich person screws the poor person out of money for work done and throws their tools/equipment overboard, and in both movies the poor person has the amnesiac rick jerk work off their debt. I don’t know why there is this need to make the first movie more sinister than it was.

I would have liked to see a Batman movie he directed. I hope he comes back and plays him again because I really do like his version of the character.

I just watched the episode today and that’s exactly what I was thinking. I wanted Iris to be like, “Cisco, use the satellites to look for Barry. Ralph, hit the streets and look for Caitlin.”

Couldn’t agree more.

Your use of “villain mac villain face” and “go yoink” made me literally laugh out loud. I say “yoink” all the time in real life. Stealing a fry off my friend’s plate? “Yoink!”

I thought Steppenwolf was generic, but I also think the CGI for Steppenwolf was not where it should have been for that prominent of a character. When I saw the trailer for Avengers: Infinity War with CGI Thanos, I was like “that’s how you do it”.

Hmm. Interesting question. In my own personal opinion, I’d probably say Logan, then Guardians 2, then Thor 3, then Spiderman Homecoming, then Wonder Woman, then Justice League. Although, the top three could probably change depending on my mood. I really did love Thor 3, so maybe that could be my favorite. I really

That was a joke? Umm...bravo? I guess.

Aren’t personal opinions a beautiful thing? You can have yours. I can have mine. If those Venn diagrams overlap, cool. If not, you keep going on your way and I keep going on mine.

And Raimi’s decision to go with organic webbing still does make a whole lot of sense. In the Amazing movies, it was like he was buying the stuff or stealing it from Oscorp. After a while Oscorp would figure out that their proprietary product was ending up all over Manhattan and if Parker was buying it that’s an easy

The Sam Raimi trilogy movies are still my favorite Spider-Man movies. Yes, even 3. Although, Homecoming is very close to overtaking 3 in my personal ranking.