
It’s cool, but I don’t them changing it up occasionally. The one I was most annoyed with was the Matt Smith one that had the pinball machine incorporated into the console. Although, I did like that the room had different levels and vertical space.

They gave us vouchers for a free showing (though, IMAX viewings are not included, which was a nice touch).

People barely shut their noise holes when the movie starts. Getting them to shut up again, put their phones away, etc. for the movie to resume would be a headache.

Was the line about civilizations built by disposable workforces taken from something? Or was it an homage to something? Or am I just reading too much into it. There was a similar line in Trek TNG’s Measure of a Man.

I just watched it a few hours ago and that was the impression I got, too.

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Hurm...I was fine with the animated 8th Doctor version. But I guess i’ll Check this out.

MCU Exchange has unearthed set pictures of multiple cast members on the Russian social media website VK

Thor 1 and Thor 2 occupy the bottom two slots of my personal MCU ranking but I am insanely excited about Ragnarok. It looks like it is going to be a blast. I can’t wait to see it.

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Most people did not have high expectations, and when they didn’t suck, and had a few fun moments, were tricked into believing they enjoyed the film more than they would have with different expectations.

It was something incredible that we had never seen before.

Is this a younger person thing? It’s a slow movie. With a slow burn. A lot of movies from the 80s were that way, and I think if you grew up watching more recent movies your attention span might not allow you to sit still to really take in the view. all editions of the film Scott has kept the “6 replicants jumped ship” line when he could easily have ditched it.

I thought it was more a case of, he wasn’t the sole creator and he didn’t want to screw over the artists and other people involved in the creation of the books by refusing to allow adaptations.

Thor and Thor 2 hold the bottom two slots on my personal MCU rankings, but I’m crazy excited for Ragnarok. It looks like it’s going to be a wild ride.

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For a half a second I thought the far right icon in the Justice League Batman poster was an arrowhead and I was like...

Yeah, that was the year of the T3 car chase and the Matrix 2 highway chase, and I thought T3 was the far better chase.

Seriously? I’m now on a quest to track this down. It sounds cool. :)

Totally agree. I said something similar in the comments to the original article about Linda Hamilton coming back. Lose the goofy stripper sunglasses, the “talk to the hand”, and the T-X inflatable boobs. It had a solid story that fit in with the larger continuity. I even was fine with Nick Stahl.

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When this aired I was like, “They stole my joke!” :)

Terminator 1 will always be my favorite, but I think some of the adulation for T2 may be due to how mind blowing the morphing T1000 effects were at the time. I saw it in the theater and the liquid metal effect just blew me away. Three movies from my life where the special effects of the time amazed me: Star Wars,