
Wasn’t the actor who played him in Terminator 3 also in legal problems or something? Or it may have been health issues.

Even as a kid I was like, “why is she able to fly like that just by touching fingertips with Superman but then plummets like a stone as soon as they separate?”

Personally, I didn’t hate Rise of the Machines. I could have done with less of the attempts at humor, like the Terminator putting on the goofy male stripper’s sunglasses, but I thought it did an ok job of continuing the story.

Oh, but if you want to talk plot holes, any idea why they couldn’t have sent whatever the hell technology they wanted to encased in some kind of meat?

There is absolutely zero chance a super-intellegent global network has no idea the history of any person on the planet, let alone the most important person on the planet.

That kind of reminded me of this... :)

I always meant to see the Donner cut and just never got around to it. I’ll have to try to track it down.

i.e., he gets rid of one of the missiles and then saves everyone’s bacon (including, I imagine, Lois) and we (perhaps) Lex and company are taken to jail.

I pulled my Deep Space Nine Companion book off the shelf to look up an episode title and lost an hour. :/

Yeah, I was really bummed that all past comments have apparently been lost. I’m watching season 4 of Arrow and have been reading the recaps and comments, but now I guess I only have the recaps.

Wasn’t Mark Wahlberg trying to get a serious movie version made?

Agreed. My wife and I just finished watching it and we thought it would be something completely different. We ended up staying up 30 minutes later just so we could watch an episode of Brooklyn Nine Nine as a “palette cleansed” before bed. :/

“ I the only left that doesn’t know karate?” Or something to that effect.

I had to scroll down a lot farther than I expected before seeing the Sgt. Candy clip posted. I was getting ready to do it myself. :)

I was about 14 in 1984. One of my most listened to records was the American Graffiti soundtrack. I new all the lyrics to “16 Candles”, “Runaway”, and “Why Do Fools Fall In Love”. :)

You are correct. The in-game “feelies” includes a scan of the comic.

You mean this one? :)

“Actually, that line was entirely Neil Gaiman’s idea. He talked about it on his blog. He was a little surprised Moffatt let him get away with it, but was certainly not going to complain.”

What channel was it on? Was it syndicated on broadcast channels or was it on a cable channel? I’ve never seen it. I always meant to, just never had the time.

Have you ever read The Discontinuity Guide? It’s pretty entertaining in the way it tries to make sense of all the contradictory bits and pieces of Who lore.