
They didn’t show it, but I think it was strongly implied. You see him copping a feel and then I think it cuts to him strutting into work the next day. :) But it has probably been 15-20 years since I have seen it.

I am so psyched for this. Mike Colter is awesome. And he was fantastic in Jessica Jones.

No one had a problem with a 12-year-old having sex with an adult woman in Big. ;)

I liked him in TFA, but I don’t know if I’ll be able to take him seriously in Episode VIII after seeing the hysterical Undercover Boss parody he did for SNL. :)

Seemed slightly out of sync in the Iron Man: Road to Civil War featurette, too. :/

I’m watching the Captain America: Road to Civil War featurette and the audio sometimes seems slightly out of sync. Anyone else experiencing this?

OMFG, this site is such a PITA to comment on and edit.

Man, Amazon pisses me the F off sometimes. I went to order the movie for my library (couldn’t pre-order it because that was an “Amazon Prime Exclusive”...<cough>blowme<couth>).

Sweet. My copy should be waiting for me when I get home. I still need to order the Ant-Man movie, too. I didn’t order it right away and have just been forgetting to get it (I work in a public library so I can always grab movies to bring home when I see them on the shelf). The only movies I don’t own by choice are the

I always jokingly said that TMP became a great movie the moment VCRs started coming with remote controls. :)

Waze has had celebrity voices like Terry Crews and C3PO. I keep hoping they get William Daniels, too. I would love that.

Christopher Reeve really was the best at changing his whole posture and bearing when he was Clark Kent. That scene of him taking off his glasses while straightening his posture and putting his shoulders back and transforming from Kent to Superman was fantastic.

I like it, too. But Ryan Reynolds is someone whom I really like and who lends a movie a whole lot of credit. I realize that I can sit through Green Lantern or RIPD and leave entertained where other people will leave pissed off.

I saw it a week ago at a second run theater. I liked it. I didn’t love it, but I had fun with it. I’m actually not a big Melissa McCarthy fan but I liked her in this. And I loved Kate McKinnon. Probably the character I was least fond of was the Chris Hemsworth character. He was almost too cartoony. I also kind of wish

Wait. I thought it was called Ghost Corps.

How could you leave Briscoe County Jr. off that list of X-Files companion shows. It was the original X-Files companion show. Oh, well. At least I have the DVDs. :)

I’m slowly getting caught up on Arrow. I finished season one and I’m about six episodes into season two. Having already seen both seasons of The Flash, it’s really fun to see the Torchwood like hints they keep dropping about the “upcoming” particle accelerator test. For people that were watching it when it first aired

Now I want to watch What We Do In the Shadows again right now. This was great. It will be on the Civil War Blu-Ray, right? I hope so.

Holy crap. That Jason Mantzoukas guy was on Brooklyn Nine-Nine. That’s the only thing I know him from. He was funny.