
I mean you may think it’s a long way down the road to the chemist’s, but that’s just peanuts to space.

Came mainly to make sure Outland was represented. I wasn’t disappointed. It’s an old favorite of mine. :)

I’m just glad he didn’t decide to go with Jedi ghosts appearing in whatever they were wearing at the time they died. You might have a Jedi wearing nothing but a towel after getting ambushed in a Jedi sauna. Or a Jedi furry. ;)

I love Captain America: the First Avenger for the same reasons I love Joe Johnston’s earlier movie set in the same period, The Rocketeer. I think it gets unfairly overlooked when discussing great pre-2000 superhero movies.

I had jumped on board the Jedi outfit complain train when the prequels came out and I had completely forgotten that the Jedi ghosts at the end of Jedi were all dressed alike. You’re totally right. I still think it was a bad decision, but at least now we know it was something Lucas did between ep IV and ep VI.

Yeah, these uniforms are terrible. I’m so done with JJ Abrams Star Trek (yes, I know it has a new director but JJ is still producing and guiding).

“The white area increases and decreases in size by an intricate series of different shutters opening or closing, just like a camera’s aperture.”

Based on this trailer, it sounds like it’s more about control. Cap says, when he sees trouble he has to act. It sounds like the premise will be that superheroes can only engage in government authorized actions, and if you go rogue they’ll lock you up in that prison looking facility whether they know your name or not.

I think I had Spider-Man Underoos back in the late-70s. :)

I’m hoping that the CGI on Spider-Man wasn’t finished yet, because I didn’t think it looked great. And it had those strange blue chevrons or something on the arms and legs.

I feel so welcomed by all the grays. :)

How the hell does one get out of the grays?!? Help me, lostEngineer, you’re my only hope.

Here’s my entry...

Starring primarily for Paul Blart: Timecop. But Ferris Bueller’s Dog Day Afternoon is a close second. :)

I have this one. :)

I posted the first link I could find referencing the story, but I should have found the original Entertainment Weekly article Ernie Hudson wrote. He goes into much more detail. He also says Reitman denies the part was written for Eddie Murphy.

That’s funny. Apparently the DVD of the ‘96 McGann movie has a documentary called The Wilderness Years about the period of which you speak. It covers the Big Finish programs and other media that kept Who alive during that time. That’s what I thought you were referring to. :)

He wasn’t in the final filmed version, but according to this interview with Ernie Hudson the original script was different.