
One of the worst recent examples I can think of was the Warehouse 13 in-show ad for Twizzlers. It was ridiculous.

finally watched this episode (actually all three episodes) tonight. I don't know if this has been mentioned already or not, but why bother having a secret spy radio that disassembles into a bunch of ordinary looking components if you're just going to leave it all hooked up when you leave your apartment??

Did Prey ever get made into a movie? I thought it was mediocre at best and it read like it had been written specifically to make into a movie, especially one with bad CGI of nanobots swarming and morphing into humans.

Don't go petting any weird creepy snake things.

White House Down was Channing Tatum. Olympus Has Fallen was Gerard Butler.

I was kind of excited to see that Olympus Has Fallen was getting a sequel until I remembered that White House Down was the one I liked more. :) I'm intrigued by this sequel, nonetheless.

I don't think it's even just limited to Hollywood. I remember reading an article a few years ago that sci-fi authors were increasingly under pressure to turn books into ongoing series by the publishers. It may have been around the time that the sequel to Darwin's Radio came out.

Actually, this was John Connor's original mom. But as long as Kyle Reese knocks up any Sarah Connor and convinces her she is the mother of the Resistance it's all good. ;)

Couldn't he go back in time wearing a pair of boxer shorts woven out of human hair since that doesn't seem to be affected by traveling through time? :)

It has been years since I have seen Red Dragon, I forgot it was somewhat of a period piece. But the earliest it could have been set was 1991, right ? Doesn't it end with Clarice Starling visiting Lecter leading into Silence of the Lambs?

I love the original Manhunter movie. A few years after I saw it I read the book Red Dragon not knowing that Manhunter was based on it and was like, "this seems really familiar." :)

yeah, I want a fan of the Missy/Master storyline at all. So many things wrong with it IMO (since when do Cybermen have skeletons?). The only two eps I liked this season were Robot of Sherwood and Flatline.

I didn't get the impression he was being painted as a glutton. If my memory is correct, that was one of the first indicators that they were in a dream world and not in the real world. Where the hell did he get a turkey leg?

I didn't think they were traveling through time and space. Just that they could network across time and space. Similar to the psychic "conference call" Madame Vastra (sp?) initiated. Not that that ever made any logical sense to me.

Maybe the crabs found the Doctor through Clara's memories.

I'll just say that was a lot better than I was expecting. Unfortunately, Moffett has lowered the bar so much that really doesn't say a whole lot. I admit I got caught up in the fun, though. Nick Frost was great.

The Hobbit: the Editor Awakens

I don't think it has to be one or the other. I was mostly entertained by the first two, but there were times I was figuratively "looking at my watch". The chase in the Misty Mountains seemed to go on forever.

I decided to hold off on reading the article until after watching part 1, but just as I was clicking away I caught sight of the words "Truman Show" in someone else's comment and it spoiled it for me. Not that I'm blaming the commenter, I could have stayed away completely. But it was funny how just those two words

I'm having flashbacks to when I bought the brand new Back to the Future trilogy box set only to find out they F'd up the framing when they remastered it.