
Hey I have a girlfriend that cooks great food, takes care of the children, washes the dishes and cleans the house. One problem though, she is really ugly.

Brand loyalty shouldn’t be a problem for the Ford guys. They can just remove the Nissan emblems, nobody would know the difference.

dont forget the S201 - S207

LS ALL the things!

Fuji Heavy Industries Subaru Impreza WRX STi Spec C Type RA-R is a real model name. You can tell it is built by engineers, for engineers. :)


Breaking News!!! Aliens have guns!!! Nobody panic! We have ways to disable their guns

OMG you’re soooo enlightened! It must be really hard to be so much better than everyone else! Humans are such assholes amirite?

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very true. Even right now in your body at a cellular level this is happening.

Why does everybody automatically assume every other civilization in the universe is a benevolent and pacifist society since we haven’t been visited yet?

All life is hostile in its very nature. the vine outside my room is strangling the fern its climbing to death and using it to get to more light. Aliens would most likely be or come from a history of the same

Now playing

Yep, independence day was a warning, not a film

Nope. I’m afraid we are listed as “Mostly Harmless.”

LMFAO! Is that really your dog, or just a pic off the ol’ interwebz?!

I hate milk. Should ban that too. I get really bad gas which poses major health risk to fellow patriots.

Let’s institute ban on all cars. After all it’s a deadly weapon in the hand of morons, thousands die needlessly each year. Let's regulate. Liberal logic here.

I’m sad GM doesn’t have a higher performance NA variant of the LT1 :( superchargers are cool for GT cars and drag-specials... but I feel the Vette/Camaro need a proper Z06/Z28 successor! Please give us a 7500+RPM 5.xL short-stroke LT5!!! I guess the NA dream is slowly dying, along with the manual gearbox :(

And they will destroy the new Mustang. The Camaro SS has already mopped up the Mustang GT in every comparison. Wait for the ZL1.

I’d start it with her.

That’s because the Hellcat is the last “muscle car”. Big engine, overly heavy, not so great in turns. The Camaro and Mustang are sports cars now.