
Pahahaha! That damn Toyota commercial never gets old; it's awfulness is supreme. ;)


Man, the first iteration of Top Gear was weird.

Being the fastest FWD car is sort of like winning the special olympics.... You're still retarded.

That he sucks at writing, and that you might be a tad concerned for his kids. After all, someone who has a meltdown like that over “diesils” might have some anger issues that might be taken out on the kids. CPS needs to be called, which will possibly mean that he will never see his kids again on the weekends,

No, F1 does a standing start.

Dogs... Because People Suck.

Dogs > People

I like how everybody lost their minds over the concept, and it turns out it’s just a MKS with an awkward facelift. when will the sequential gearbox be an option?

No. Standing for F1.

Actually qualifying is probably the most exciting...

You aren’t missing much. One out of every 4 races is exciting.

Nope. F1 is standing starts, Bernie is sitting, sharts.

Genuine question....had this conversation with a coworker today as well...but how can you remain so enthusiastic about corvettes when they’re so damn ubiquitous? Surely once you seen’ve seen the sixteen others you’ll also see within any 30 minute stretch of the day. Reason I ask....was at a Ferrari show,

Oh okay, makes sense.

We shouldn’t anthropomorphize machines anyway. They hate it.

With or without magnetic ride? 6sp? I haven’t drove one yet, but I feel these items would be key.

Or something like Bloater drive? Expand the gap between atoms until they reach where you want to go and then shrink the gap back to your destination.

That’s impossible. You can’t go faster than the speed of light.