
There are plenty of homegrown assholes here but a majority of the assholes moved here from somewhere else (mostly the Northeast part of the US). I get to hear things such as “that’s not how we do it up North” on a near daily basis. Maybe one day the mosquitos, alligators and love bugs will chase these assholes back up

you know what they say about assholes - if you don’t know who is it in the room , you may be it :)
(I’m usually the one but ok with a little competition)

Idiot liberal status confirmed.

Armored car: made to move itself around without getting hurt
Tractor: made to bend nature to the will of man

Airbags are passive and are designed to help when things happen that are out of your hands. Auto braking is an active system designed to help distracted morons stop when they should be paying attention and using their pudgy right foot to stop the car with the brake pedal the manufacturer helpfully located in the

Can’t wait.

The solution to dumbasses with their noses buried in their smart phones? Take more responsibility and agency away from everyone.

They were also a 3x3x3 seating roadmasters. My grandparents had one. Not sure what’s unexpected about these being able to tow, they had enough grunt to pull a house if they wanted.

Both are bad ass cars regardless. I would have to go for the Custom Cruiser personally. Easily break 500hp and it looks like grandpa’s cruiser. The V has too much Look At Me for me to enjoy it.

Has anyone complimented you on your taste in cars today?

Was referring to the CTS-V wagon pictured.

It’s only a 5 passenger, it fails.

You beat me to it.

Still pisses me off that after all if the mockups they did of various lifting body and other designs, none made it to the manned stage.

Yup, same experience. Turn signal chime, interior door handle laminate.... The first thing I had to do with the Fiat is get the rear brakes completely replaced at 1,000 miles! With the Subaru it was brakes and suspension within a year of buying it (though it was used, but from a dealership)

In all fairness, it does suck to go to do an oil change on something assuming that it is going to be a normal setup and then realizing that you need something that you didn’t anticipate you would need for something so basic as an oil change.

Yup, same. I’ve been daily driving a Fiat 500 now for about 4 months and I’ve been to the dealer for 3 warranty repairs already. Years ago I had a Subaru Legacy for only a year and a half and sold it for half of what I bought it after I was sick of paying so much in repairs. But I’ve had a slew of Pontiacs from 6 to 9

I’m here for all of these. Except the Viper/Jeep.

I’ve gotten used to it. I’m only slightly nauseated when I see it now. I can’t think of how they could possibly ugly it up any more than they already did.

Not being able to see out of the back window?