
ever hear the saying “nine out of ten agree”? I think you’re #10. jk.

”Oh, only two comments, I can be the first to make a diarrhea jo..... Damnit!!”

Knick-knack, paddywhack, give some hogs a Bone, this big bird is flying home.

The first time my dad, a long-time owner of boring cars (save for a ‘64 Mustang in his youth), drove my 2 year old E36 M3 he went a little nuts. “This thing is amazing. I’ve never driven anything like it.” “They call that steering feel dad.”

Yes, yes you are. If you desire an ls7 fix, I think you would be better served by a Falcon F7 than this bloated and molested Volvo with elephantitis.

Personally, I think you’re insane!

To be fair, a lot of people hate driving. A Camry is just about the most affordable and hassle-free way to isolate yourself from the road. That’s why it sells so well.

DoYouEvenShift is Dr. Youabian. This is all the necessary confirmation.

Well I’m glad that, 3 hours later, no one has agreed with you yet.

Maybe two of them.

Yep, I still haven’t come around to the look yet(besides of course, the tuning house versions)

People under the influence shouldn’t be allowed to comment. Jk

only 120 kph look how far we have come since then

8 psi of oil pressure.... Really? Sounds bad!

All your Skylines are belong to US.

I rented one of these:

This needs more stars.