
They should stop putting the Ford name on there too while they’re at it.

I concur. Shelby was too busy suing people and selling his name to do any work on cars. Anyways, I’d hope Ford engineers don’t need any design help from an old salesman.

yeah, if I were Buick, I’d make an ad that pointed out what the “old people” cars really are

Yet another reason why I shy away from the vast majority of social media platforms: I don’t want to hear from people that don’t deserve to be heard from.

Yeah, I completely skipped over the boys slapping the girls asses in grade school and the fact that our recess time was suspended for it for a week and we had to have discussion about acceptable ways to touch each other. I mean that stuff wasn’t a great confidence builder or anything, but they were mostly just

Just started today, it always runs Tuesday-Sunday though it's later than normal this year, it is usually the first week of April. This year the Thunderbirds will be flying Fri-sun.

What an excellent idea. If we (the purchaser) do not own the ECU, the automakers should be, in theory, legally required to repair/upgrade the little bugger.

I wanna sign up for the Airforce's new autogyro squadron. I assume after today they've got one.

95% you’re Asian.

you guys dont understand. it doesn’t have Lucas products in it

whoo hooo!!! Take that world!


Ah get over it.

Seems a little extreme for a guy’s incredibly well done project car, no?

The Blues Brothers has the best chase scene of all time

Making the Kessel Run in less than twelve parsecs was soooooooo unrealistic.

Mine too, but it’s quite unrealistic. The continuity was terrible (see a Malibu get thrown off, and see a LaSabre rolling). There was one redeeming factor: Mass destruction of GM W-Bodies.

Almost had me!? You never had me... You never had your car

The cheapest way to 200 is likely a C5 Corvette and a supercharger.