That’s the Jalop consensus on most innovations.
That’s the Jalop consensus on most innovations.
To take this analogy to the actual conclusion:
Subaru, thank you very much.
Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to the Future of Cadillac. If you’re complaining about how Cadillacs used to be bad, so you’ll never own one “because”, I urge you to leave the 1990s and step into 2015 (for a 2016 model).
I’m seriously starting to think Toyota ruins everything.
What a coincidence - I'm running Blizzacks on my RS4, and combined with Quattro, they are fantastic in snow. That said, I'm hoping to put on the summer tires after all the snow melts and temps get above 40 in a couple of weeks,
I live in the northeast, and I can tell you that the whole subject of "tires" is not one that Camry drivers are familiar with, - except that they assume that "all season" must be the most fair and just choice.
So says the old, fuddy duddy.
I get it. It is almost April Fool’s Day and your are toying with me.
A true car enthusiast appreciates cars from all walks of life, big or small, fast or slow, for old people or young. You obviously don’t care about cars if you can hate a specific type so passionately.
Targeting young people? That is hilarious. What do you do for an encore? Funny, but I just can’t see a bunch of guys in their 20s saying, “I really want a Cadillac”. My son is 23 and hates them, no loathes them. Even he says that Cadillac is out of step with most people. My son has a Mitsubishi Evo X that is built as…
Oh, now the ad hominem attacks. Funny, but I picture you with a black hat, big stogie and a compass on the dash. Sorry, but Cadillac=stodginess. Speaking of inadequacies, how are yours doing?
Really? Now I have heard everything. Enthusiasts drive Cadillacs. I will have to make sure to check out all the adoring fans flocking to see a Cadillac at the next Cars and Coffee. Learn something new every day.
Oh, I care about cars. That is why I won’t own a Cadillac.
Funny, you responded to me and you accuse me of trolling. In psychology, this is called projection. Projection is where one projects on another person the very things that he is guilty of. Just because I hate Cadillac doesn’t mean that I am wrong or that you are right. It is just my opinion. Perhaps you are…
Wow, I touched a nerve. Gee, if Cadillac doesn’t care about enthusiasts, then what in the heck are they doing? Their sales are down and their cars have very little appeal to buyers it would seem. I am 62 and drive a built Mitsubishi Evo X. Sorry that you could not stereotype me. And no, I will not test drive a V…
Enthusiast? Not with an ATS-V, thank you very much. If you think this is an “enthusiast” car, I feel sorry for you. Let’s see how much attention your Cadillac will garner at a Cars and Coffee...
Well whoop de doo. I am 62 and have a built Mitsubishi Evo X. It would seem that the Generation Y loves cars that look like pressed and starched shirts. Have fun with the depreciation on your CTS-V Coupe.
I am 62 and I will never buy a Cadillac. My son is 23 and has a built Evo X and he absolutely loathes Cadillacs. So, I guess this is not an age thing, but rather a desirability thing. Guess what-looks like people who are out of step with enthusiast driven cars are the ones who will buy this one...
Cadillac has an image problem and no amount of tweaking and styling can change the perception people have of the company. I know they make several decent cars, but when is the last time enthusiasts got together and said, “Gee, I really want a Cadillac CTS?”