
I disagree entirely. Aspiring leaders eliminating their competition is nothing new, and is entirely mundane and expected. If the book would have left it at that, had Katniss go after Coin simply because Coin went after her, it would have at that point been simply a personal vendetta. Katniss taking out revenge on

Katniss spends two and 2/3 books being an insufferable brat. When she finally has her mental breakdown and realizes she is a horrible human being, it didn't seem that significant. I think more time should have been spent on that subject.

When I got to Iraq in 2004, Marines were permitted to carry condition 3 (magazine inserted, bolt forward on an empty chamber, ejection port cover closed) weapons between dusk and dawn. Apparently there was an incident shortly before I arrived, and the CG sent out an all hands email that said, basically, it would be a

I think his main point is that commercial fishing operations are never going to buy small boats and employ four or five people to stand around with a rod and reel all day long hoping to catch enough fish to cover expenses like fuel, equipment, and wages. It just isn't going to happen, from an economic standpoint.

The problem is that by manipulating the gaming media, these companies are going to manipulate you and me into spending $92 on expansion packs.

I don't think your initial analogy is apt. We aren't talking about a situation where Activision had a group of reporters in a room and said, "We are going to share something with you that we do not want released until day x. If you cannot abide by this request, please leave now. If you do report this early against

If someone cannot finish a two mile run in 19 minutes, I don't care if they speak Klingon, they shouldn't be in the military. Let them join a defense contracting firm.

Well your argument obviously falls apart when you consider that there is no separate marksmanship course for women. Both sexes are graded the exact same way.

I worry about the state of education in this country whenever an ostensibly intelligent person cries: "Well he was clearly just doing this hoping for a confrontation."

An O-4 with over four years time in service gets paid almost $5,400 a month. This works out to over $60,000 per year, before things like hazardous duty, imminent danger, and flight pay.

They're all sexually active and this is jesus punishing them for their dirty, dirty sins.

Uh, oh. It looks like someone skipped the first title on the CMC's reading list for Pvt/PFC/LCpl...

What you don't seem to understand is that Manning hasn't been convicted of anything. Pretrial confinement is not permitted under the law to be a weapon that can be wielded by the government to mentally break down an accused criminal.

Crosses and nativity scenes? Those are symbolic of christianity, and I'd be taking up arms with you if that is what flickr decided to put on my page. But they didn't. They put colored lights and snowflakes.

There is a certain naval support facility in the vicinity of Fredrick, MD where a few, very elite, Marines are stationed for an important duty. And now one of them is plastered all over the Internet. Piss poor OPEC, Obama admin. Piss poor.

I wouldn't be so sure about that. Up at MCAS Cherry Point in 2006 we had a spat of break-ins that went unsolved. The MPs said it was most likely the dependents of SNCOs or officers who live on base. Other barracks had been hit around the same time as well. Even though I wasn't one of the people who got robbed, I

Marines aren't soldiers and they haven't had any bases in Iraq in a couple of years.

Atlanta did it before New York.

A patrol man can use his years of experience and expertise to ascertain a situation and discern whether or not something else is going on. On a speeding stop, he can apprehend someone someone wanted for skipping bail or violating his parole. The officer can also determine whether or not the individual is intoxicated

"But...that is what MS does with a new OS, isn't it? Rename the same old services....chang the icons....move items to different menus and screens....all in an effort to make it look like hey did more than they actually did."