
There are no crocodiles in Louisiana.

Click through to the USGS source link. The epicenter of the quake is indeed out to sea. You should be slapping your head for not confirming your information.

I was hopeful about Lion and upgraded when it came out. A lot of the power user gestures that existed in Snow Leopard were changed in an annoying way, for instance the four finger down swipe to see all running windows. In Snow Leopard you could see even those windows that were minimized. In Lion you cannot. Same

I don't know, man. I saw the kid who plays Carl at a Dragon*Con panel. When they were asked a question about their favorite method of zombie dispatch for when the apocalypse comes (and we all know it is), the adult actors responded with the standard bullet to the head. The kids were a little more creative.

What in the world are you talking about? Krugman came out in 2001 and said that he thought 9/11 would help the economy. He then came out years later and explicitly said that he agreed with Bush when he said that his war on terror has been stimulus. Now, ten years later, we're fucking broke after being engaged in a

The nobel prize became worthless in 1973 when the "peace prize" was given to a war criminal. Those scandanavian asshats have only degraded its value sense.

Have you ever read anything that Krugman has written? This clown literally goes around justifying war and acts of terror, claiming that they create wealth.

No one respects Krugman. He is a hack. He is one of a half dozen people given "FU GWB" nobel prizes during the last decade. If you've been paying attention, those things mean absolutely nothing. They gave one peace prize to a war criminal in 1973, and gave another to a terrorist in 1994. No one takes that trash

Paul Krugman: "Derp. Start a war. Infinity monies."

I don't understand why this is being blamed on the weather man. All the predictions I saw showed a Cat I hitting North Carolina, and windspeeds at 70 mph upon landfall in NYC. That means it was a tropical storm from the point it hit NYC and points north.

I told you so. New York got hit by a strong thunderstorm. They didn't even get hit by a hurricane. Looking at the wind speed readings last night, La Guardia was at 32 mph. That is 40 mph short of a Cat I.

Maybe he's expressing outrage at this overhyped weaksauce storm.

I thought it was an introduction to a new Jersey Shore cast member.

It will downgrade to a tropical storm, power in NYC will go out for a few hours, a few streets will flood, a couple Darwin Awards will be handed out, and then every June through November for the rest of our lifetimes, people living on the Gulf coast and on the east coast of Florida are going to have to listen to New

What do knuckle dragging wrench monkeys and stick jocks know? The real experts are the armchair generals. Everyone knows this, man.

Not really.

I'd be happy if Facebook let you turn off downloading. Right now anyone who can see your photo can download that image. All that has done is encourage me not to share anything. I don't post photos on there any longer unless they are images of family members over the holidays. With larger and higher quality photos,

Did the ACOE build shoddy levees in New York, too?

I was skeptical about your comment because this guy usually looks like he knows what he is doing. Then I watched the video.

Have you been paying attention to the census data? NYC experienced a 2.1 percent growth from 2000-2010. In contrast, Dallas grew by 25 percent over the same period.