
That is one thing I dislike about this video. We've been begging for audit the Fed bills for a long time. The House even passed one, but it went nowhere in the Senate. The political process to hold the Fed accountable is underway, and it is going in fits and starts, but nothing will be accomplished if they manage

Yeah! Because Thomas Jefferson put footnotes in the Declaration of Independence to corroborate all of the allegations against King George!

I'm a Mac user with the same take. If I want to see the weather, I'll open up a browser and go to my local newspaper's website. If I want to look at pictures, I'll open a program for pictures. All of that stuff looks like it would work well on a tablet, but on a desktop or notebook? It is simply too busy. There

And jobs. Every time a new version of Windows comes out, they tweek and change the control panel. Now they can charge people for training, not on a new feature, but on how to find the stuff they already knew but was hidden in the new release.

I think I'm cool just hating our government. You know, the guys hijacking domains and who now want to block DNS resolution to websites suspected of "enabling or facilitating" piracy.

In a world where NYPD arrests a guy for making a joke, they're going to stand around and watch a mentally deranged naked drug abuser assault citizens? The moment he went after that lady on the stairs, he should have been put down like a feral dog.

Assaulting people and attempting to destroy their private property for doing nothing illegal is a good way to get shot or stabbed. I do a lot of amateur photography in Atlanta and New Orleans and I have a Georgia Weapons License (LA has reciprocity with GA). When I walk on a shoot I carry because I don't want my

You can only record 15 seconds on the free version. Not only that, but you have to allow it to see your location before it will allow you to view test videos in the camera roll. If I'm videotaping something in my house, I don't want my location recorded.

This has been a feature on Facebook since at least February. I uploaded hundreds of pictures taken during some Mardi Gras parades near my cousin's house. What is significant is that there were hundreds, if not thousands, of different faces in those photos. Facebook picked out the faces of my friends better than

Thanks for the tip.

I really don't like how you can click on an article, then get redirected to Lifehacker or Gawker. It is annoying when you're scrolling through older articles and suddenly you're back to square one. Someone made a real bad move when they executed this redesign.

That is what I did. It jailbroke fine, but I am having trouble restoring my Cydia apps. You know how Cydia associates with a Facebook or Google account, right? Well that saves a list of your purchased packages. Only a couple of them have come back. Many others have had problems. I just reinstalled Infinidock and

Cydia has a similar process. You go through all your previously installed packages, queue them up, and then install them all at once. I've run into problems several times. So far I've only gotten two packages back up and running since this update.

Yeah, the cost of this CS5 software is astronomical. I think one barrier to entry on this thing is going to be the fact that you can't do trial periods on an iOS device. Right now I use Lightroom 3 for my photo processing. If Adobe comes to me with an iOS version of that software I'm not going to shell out more

Photoshop CS5 is just under $650. Students and teachers can get it for around $160.

He must be auditioning for a job in government.

I went through this last Thursday when I flew from Hartsfield to Louis Armstrong. No one was patted down at Hartsfield, and no one went through the scanners. This was at the domestic security line, where I spent approximately ten minutes.

@Rushkie: That is what I'm thinking. They're not widely implementing the new procedures during the holidays to avoid further popular uproar. After the holidays are over, they'll reinstitute the policies and at that point most of the travelers will be business folks who are used to TSA BS.

I don't mean to piss in anyone's cheerios, but I just flew from Hartsfield-Jackson in Atlanta to Louis Armstrong in New Orleans. In Atlanta there were about 4 or 5 of those machines. Not one was in use. Also, I saw no one getting patted down. Everyone simply did what has been done for years now: Metal detector