3 pedal rower

I would own one right now if they had a targa top version... or any other open roof variant. I find myself stuck between the Miata because convertible and the BRZ (preferred)/86 because HRRRRNNN. (Sigh)


BMW has been dead to me since they went beyond the 3, 5, 6 and 7 series.

Can I say how genuinely sick I am of the BRZ/FRS weak sauce that’s been produced for eons now?

I hate when the right lane is backed up and the left lane is open so people fly down the left lane to the front of the line and cut in. Like, would you do this at Starbucks? No, because you’d get your ass beat by people waiting for their coffee. Queue up like the rest of them you selfish prick.

I vote for the 2018 Corvette from the USA.

Like this?

I wonder if New South Wales is the ‘Florida’ of Australia?

I had an STI once. Cleared it up with some antibiotics.

Then unions should not be forced represent free riders. If you’re not in a union you get none of the benefits and are on your own to negotiate salary, time off, holidays, health care, etc. No union help with anything when your employer starts requiring you to work unpaid overtime.

Great questions! To that first one, I actually have three:

Alcantara is the worst trend since flavored coffee. There, I said it.

Something something air-cooled, something something purist.

I’m probably going to get lynched, but I didn’t much care for season 1.

The answer to your question is yes, believe it or not, sometimes issues overlap into multiple categories. And you are correct. Everyone is within their right to be an asshole, none of any of this is about rights. His actions (rights he’s using) have reactions (people who disagree with him may want to know his opinions

He’s got a big property. No need to street park this. He can’t be driving it that much because it would tear up the road surface and they’d DEFINITELY not have that. Just park that shit on the lawn.

HP is how fast you hit the wall, torque is how far you go through it.