Despite what you guys may say, Elon Musk cannot possibly be a Nazi. The Nazis built good cars!
Despite what you guys may say, Elon Musk cannot possibly be a Nazi. The Nazis built good cars!
Correct. The F70 I showed is AWD, not RWD.
This is the one immigrant I would put first on my deportation list.
Im sorty, but how the hell are all these fully automatic military spec weapons legal to own? What the hell! What’s next, an M1 Abrams tank?
Nope. I’d rather not drive a car that looks like a Texas roadside whorehouse. But hey, that’s just me.
That’s coming. Toyota will probably be first at Le Mans.
What kind of shit question is this? It is one thing to accept that a lot of cars will indeed go electric. It is quite another to “wish” for a gas car to go electric. The answer is NONE! No gas car should be wished to go electric. Electric motors are indeed amazing, but there is nothing like a car engine powered by…
I have attended Formula E races in the U.S. I do not care how many more races you add to the schedule. It is boring as shit. It will always be boring as shit.
Thanks for the memories, the laughter, and the great scenery. You clowns are sadly missed. Godspeed you brilliant bastards!
So much truth, my brother. This whole “we are better than this” crap is every bit as hollow as “our thoughts and prayers” every time innocent children are shot to shit. “But ‘Merica, bro!”
Yeah, but it id the test of us who are “snowflakes.! Fucking inbred morons.
I don’t give a shit about EVs, but if/ when I’m forced to buy one it won’t be a fucking Tesla. That you can take to the bank. I’d rather buy a BYD and give my money to the commies, than give it to this damned apartheid MAGA bastard.
Fuck EVs! Give me back the FiST. Especially here in Europe.
I’ve said it before, but i’ll say it again. It’s Elon’s world and the rest of us are his crash test dummies, some obviously a hell of s lot more stupid than the rest. This shit goes beyond corporate irresponsibility; it’s downright criminal. And good luck banning it or holding Tesla legally accountable once Elon’s pal…
The two smartest guys in the room literally in the same room (well, each one thinks he is). This should be fun. No couple deserves each other more.
“Hello, Elon? Hey, its your pal Donny here. About your cars; well too bad. Fuck you buddy!”
“Fast & Furious” made easy?
So how long before the first one gets hacked and turned into a weapon of mass road-going destruction?
“They use legal mumbo jumbo to reject their American citizenship, or deny the validity of the U.S. entirely to establish themselves either immune from following the law.”